EEEK!! my scan tomorrow! UPDATE WITH PICCIE!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2008
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hello! :D :wave:
its my scan tomorrow!
if my dates from my first (early scan) were right i will be 10+3. :cheer:
i am so excited but feel sick too! :puke:
i am looking forward to seeing baby again but feel ill that something might be wrong! :(
i've got used to the thought of being pregnant now and am getting more "nicer" feeling days and do not know how i would cope if something was wrong! :(
i guess we all feel like this at scans but its my turn now!! :D
i love using my doppler and its reassuring to hear babys heartbeat but i will be glad to get it over with in some ways and others i'm so-oooooooo excited!! :D :cheer:

wish me luck!! :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
Good luck hun! I had my scan today, I had one at 9 +1 and she said I was 8 + 5 but today when by my original dates I'd be 11 weeks exactly she said I was 11 +1 so I gained a day on my original dates and 4 on my revised! Sad to say it felt like I'd been given a present to be given back the 4 days- how tragic!

I'm sure everything will be fine hun, it's really normal to be worried though. I had such bad dreams last night and my tummy was all over the place this morning with nerves.

I'll be thinking of you tomorrow
I'll be thinking of you :) keep us posted

What time are you there?

wow wow wow!! :cheer:
it was lovely! :cheer:
i've been simply buzzing all day!!
i have been put forward again too!
i am 11+2,my EDD is the 24th feb!!
the scan was lovely! the lady commented straight away on how strong LO's heartbeat is! :D
you could make out the head,body legs and arms really clearly,and baby moved an arm during the scan so looked like he/she was waving at us!! :wave:
the scan piccie is abit blurry but i promise i will post tomorrow (if i can work out how to do it! DOH!)
straight after work tonight we went to my mums with the scan piccie and the doppler so her and my stepdad could see/hear baby!
im so so tired now and have been having problems logging on to the site when i came home as an error kept coming up!
it has been a lovely day and i feel so much more at ease and reassured with myself! :D
i will catch up with everyone tomorrow when i have had some sleep!! i feel like i could sleep forever!! :sleep: :sleep:

thanks again for everyones support!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

love claire x x x x x x
YAY!!!! congrats Claire!!

ooh you'll be in 2nd tri before you know it at this rate!!
congrats :D :D :D im so glad everything is ok! and you have been put forward!!

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