Eeeep!! Heard the babys heart beat!


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2011
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Well, at least I think I have. I have a Doppler and have been trying to listen to the baby's heart beat recently, well every few days since I turned 10 weeks as the model I have says it can pick it up from then.

Anyway, I'd got quite proficient at finding my own :) :wall2: until finally last night I found the baby's eeeeeee! It was much lower down than I expected, which would explain why I'd been missing it. It was quite faint at first.

But its been a reassurance, fx crossed its a good sign and everything will be ok at my 12 week scan next wednesday :dance:

Sorry, this is a bit of a pointless tread but just wanted to share my excitement. I'll try and work out how to load it on here, but the file isnt recognised.

Thats so exciting! I'm looking at dopplers on ebay but theres so many different ones - which model do you have?
i did have a really good doppler but i stupidly lent it to 2 friends during their pregnancy and 1 of them lost the charger... bugger.

anyway congratulations for finding the hb. i bet u will be inviting everybody to hear it lol, even the postman wont get away lol xxxx
i did have a really good doppler but i stupidly lent it to 2 friends during their pregnancy and 1 of them lost the charger... bugger.

anyway congratulations for finding the hb. i bet u will be inviting everybody to hear it lol, even the postman wont get away lol xxxx
Ha ha! I reckon I'll be showing everyone! I recorded it on my phone and have already emailed it to my family :)

I've borrowed my sister in laws and its the Hi-Bebe BT200. I bought some ultrasound gel from amazon for £1.99, although I've read that moisturising cream works just as well. I wasnt expecting to hear it as I've read it can be really difficult to hear before 15 weeks.

It kind of makes it all seem a bit more real, apart from my expanding bloated belly :) I must admit I cried when I found it, partly relief, mostly happiness and slightly scared about it all still.

Its a good feeling though. Thanks for sharing in my excitement.
I got the angel sounds one off amazon - was only about £20 i think

And i couldn't believe how low the heartbeat is - i didn;t listen for it until 16 weeks ~(after midwife had found it so i knew what to listen for!!), but i remeber it was really low, just above pubic bone

and now its by my tummy button!!!
It's amazing! Can't wait to get my doppler out again :D had all my family listening in with DD :) x x
aww lovely hun :) i want one but we are saving so dunno what to do mmmmmm
I have a doppler & i didnt use mine with my last babies till i was about 10wks & it took me ages to find it at first & at first i was picking up my own hb. However i got to listen to my little ones hb on ultrasound scan yesterday, it was so exciting & sounded like a fast little choo choo train hehehe. I just cant wait till i can get my own doppler out & have ago of listening to it myself! however they can become addictive! they say to use it onec a week but as if thats gonna be easy, i will have dh hiding it lol. :)

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