Ebay cheapies


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2007
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Hello girls!
Are the ebay cheapies more or less sensitive than the ones in the shops? I've always assumed they're less sensitive--reflecting in the low prices, but the other day someone here (sorry I can't remember who) said that the ebay ones were more sensitive. The reason I'm posting is because I got an unexpected result (please no one congratulate me yet because I need to be ABSOLUTELY SURE before I allow myself to get excited. Been let down too many times before...) and can't believe the cheapie picked it up at 11 dpo (which I am today). Am slightly scared too as I feel like AF is approaching, feel bloated and slightly tender. I think Happy_chick said she felt like AF was coming but got her BFP....so fingers crossed.

God please let this be my month!!!!
I have never used ebay cheapies so can't tell you but i think a couple of people on here have had +'ves with these early.

Good luck :pray:

The cheap ones I got off ebay were sensitive at 10 ml whereas the supermarket own makes claim they are at 25 ml - so the cheap ones are actually more likely to give you a BFP earlier.

So I would say a lines and a line - if it was faint try it again tomorrow first thing and it may be stronger.

Good luck
Hello again...
these tests I bought don't actually say the hcg sensitivity level. It's just a simple white package ('Highest Advanced Technology One Step Test') with a little stick inside. The reason my positive tests (VERY faint line yesterday and darker today) were such a surprise was because my temps are SO low. Today and yesterday 36.4 which is my 'normal' temp, but you'd have thought it would be higher if I'm actually pregnant. Just took my temp now and this is after jogging around the house chasing after my little girl, etc and it's only 36.0 What's wrong with me? I'm so afraid I'm going to lose this one too....
Oh please dont get yourself all stressed - I am sure everything will be OK - try and relax - perhaps if you get another type of test or go to the doctors you may feel more positive.....
Hiya Mags,

Yeah I've been feeling like AF is going to arrive on and off for about a week and a half, its less frequent now but at one point I was getting quite strong AF like pains and a day or two later I got a faint BFP.

Just going to PM you hun x
I've just pm'd ya back! :) Thank you for your help ladies.

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