Ebay cheapies


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2008
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Hi all. Just curious...

I've gotten a very faint + on an ebay cheapie preggers test this morning. My question is: has this ever happened to any of you when you were actually not pregnant? I'm just worried about getting false hope because I got a bfn on a First Response test this morning as well! I don't want to be psychosomatically creating pregnancy symptoms if I'm not actually pregnant b/c I'm kind of uncomfortable at the moment (bloated, gassy, backache, MUST have a penny hidden somewhere in my mouth but I can't find it, nasty heartburn, off my breakfast, etc).
O wow I really really hope it is a bfp for you :pray:

I have got quite a few evap lines on ebay cheapies so don't really use them anymore.

Can you get a pic up I love line spotting :D

Hehehe...I wish I could, trust me, but I lost our camera while I was back in the States in August and we haven't been able to replace it yet! :oops:

Thanks, hon! :hug:
Oooh really hope it's a bfp for you :pray:

I use the cheapies and they have always been reliable for me. They may just be more sensitive than the other test :think:

Maybe leave it a day or so and test again.

All the best :hug:
Thanks everyone. :) I've got myself all worked up; I've been waking up early unable to sleep and then having to take like a 3 hour nap before lunch, so I'm going to be really glad when I know one way or the other! :lol:
Oooo Mel, I have every damn thing crossed for you babe. Do another in the morning, should show on a 1st response by then :pray:
omg omg omg!!!!!! what a fab start to the new year that would be!!!!
can't wait til 2moro to here from u and holly!!!!!
feeling so proud of the chartstalkers!!!! :lol:
wow, fingers crossed for you!

could this be our first bfp of the new year?? :think: :pray:
franky said:
wow, fingers crossed for you!

could this be our first bfp of the new year?? :think: :pray:

Nah, emmalouise already has me beat, but I'm hoping to come in second! :D

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