I have to say I've got a bit more relaxed about the forbidden list to be honest. I never gave up caffeine, apparently there's no evidence whatsoever of harm to your baby, so hey ho - most people find they go off coffee but since I haven't I keep drinking it! And I never gave up alcohol either - I stick to the1-2 units 1-2 times a week guideline (in fact not even that normally). I started off being rigid about cheeses and pate and I still don't eat them raw - like budda says the effects of listeria are just too nasty, however small the chances - but if they're fully cooked (i.e. piping hot through) then that kills the bacteria so it's fine. I'm starting to be a bit more relaxed about red meat too - again, if it's piping hot through, and I say it can be and still be at least pink in the middle - then it should be fine. I've never listened to the shellfish stuff, it's very very inconsistent and I think is only an issue if anything's raw, so munch away on them prawns! I started off avoiding eggs but then read about how lion stamped eggs are from salmonella inoculated hens anyway, so they don't have salmonella - the only reason they won't change the advice, despite thousands of lion eggs being tested and not one being infected, is that there could be salmonella on the shells as it's present in our environment anyway. Well, if it's present in our environment, then it could be anywhere so what's the difference! So I'm back on runny eggs now as long as they're lion ones (most british ones are but make sure you check as soem of the cheapy ones aren't). As for peanuts, the advice I heard is you only need to avoid if you or OH have family history of (significant) allergy, either to nuts or anything else. Oh, and the salami/cold meats thing, again if it's cooked there's no question it's fine, but also in the UK they don't reckon it's a signficant enough risk to tell us to avoid it, so I've never taken any notice! Sorry, I seem to have got a bit carried away, apologies ladies!