Early scan


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2011
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So I got my phone call from the epu this morning, and they are seeing me for a scan at 1.30!! So excited, scared, nervous and happy all at the same time. I wil update later when I have more news! I'm going to see my baby for the first time today :)
Aw wow.....hope everything goes well for you :). Good luck :)
Amy xx
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Not coming back with good news at all. Sac only measured 5-6 weeks meant to be 11. And no baby was seen, just waiting for another scan next week to check everything and hopefully everything goes naturally or docs will have to interfer :(
So sorry to hear that. I am going through a blinded ovum just now. We will be ok and we wiL try again
So sorry Kanga hope you and your OH are doing ok.

Keep us posted on how you are doing.
Also Hope sounds like you are having a tough time too. Fx everything goes ok for you.
Darlin, i'm so sorry to hear that!! all my thoughts are with you!! Xx
what a bummer, im deeply sorry to hear ur news Kanga :cry:
take care, keep us posted xxxxxxxx :hugs: :love: :hugs:
Oh Kanga so sorry hunny :hug:

I went through that in January, it's hard.....

Take care of yourself sweetheart xx
So sorry to hear this Kanga, my thoughts are with you x
So sorry to hear your news Kanga. Thinking of you and your OH. We went through the same situation last year and know how hard it is. :hugs::hugs:

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