Early period or possible implantation


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2018
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I’ve tried into attach a photo and hope it works.
I’ve had on and off tingling feeling to my stomach last week, can’t really explain it but it didn’t feel like a cramp or start of stomach ache just a odd sensations kore or less.
This morning I needed to wee at about 4am and noticed I had a slight cramp to my back and stomach and yesterday I felt really just run down, even though I had the day off work but then it was really hot too so it could have been that.
I also feeling like I just need some girl talk, especially those who probably know how I’m feeling. Obviously getting cramps made me feel crap and another month has passed and it hasn’t happened yet. My partner knows I was gutted last time as I thought I may be due to my period being 3 days late but it was just a late period, he asked me what was wrong this morning as I felt a little low and I explained I’ve had a cramp feeling and he just replied “it’s that week soon isn’t it” and I just said yes due to 3 days or so and that was that he just left it at that and has just been more interested in his phone since, it like he doesn’t get I’m going to be gutted again if my period does come and just blew me off.

Sorry for long post I just wanted to rant and get some advice. It sometimes feels like because he already has a son he isn’t as excited about me getting pregnant

I’m due in 3-4 days roughly. Could this be the start and possible early early period or maybe implantation? There was no blood in my pants but a light pinky red after wiping.. in hoping a photo has attached but if not here’s a link:



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It could be implantation.. But it's hard to know for sure. I would test if AF doesn't show - fingers crossed for you!

It actually sounds like your partner is coping by dismissing or avoiding talk of cramps/ AF? I know that's how my DH copes is by assuming that a BFP is not going to happen each month - so that when I have cramps, he just assumes that it's AF and doesn't get his hopes up. Not my style, I prefer some positivity and hope, but that's ok - I can come here for that :)

If it is AF, maybe you can ask your partner for more support - go do something nice together x
Thank you. It was AF.
It’s almost 6 months since we’ve been trying, and it really hit me yesterday. Honestly I just didn’t want to get up but we had things to do and had said we’d take my step son out and though I felt low I just got on with the day. But I think my mother half finally tweaked it has got to me as he was constantly seeing if I was okay. I think he just didn’t know what to say but he gave me a nice cuddle and one to one time after his son has gone back home which was nice.
I just didn’t realise I’d find the BFN so hard each time
:hugs: <3 aaahhh hun...a bfn is NEVER easy no matter how hard you try and prepare yourself for it. The only time I think it's acceptable is when you really can't afford to have one (and even then you get a pang of disappointment at the sight of it).

FX for your journey, I hope that you won't have to wait much longer for your :bfp:

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Sorry to hear that it was AF - how annoying :(

I'm glad that your partner switched on eventually.. It's like they need a literal smack in the head to get it emotionally! I found the 6 month mark hard to deal as well. Hopefully you get a bfp soon x

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