Early or Late???


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2007
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Hey Girls i was just wondering when you think your baby is going to arrive
I have myself convinced my little monkey is going to arrive early.
do you have any strong feelings about your new arival???
i feel SO sure she'll be late, i think because i am dreading going over my due date. assuming that ill be late mentally prepares me :)
i deffo think my wee man is gonna be late :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

i bloody hope not tho.........so hot and uncomfy its horrible!!! come on out!!! x
I think im going to be early, that could be wishful thinking though ;)
I think I'll be late, not sure why, I just have a feeling and if LO is anything like their Dad then they will deffo be late!!
I got a feeling that he will be born on his due date! That would be nice! :)
I think late because at first dating scan she was measuring a few days behind but they said they wouldnt change dates as it was less then a week, I think I am telling myself she will be late so im not so disapointed if she is!!
I voted late, as today is my due date and i dont think he will come today now :?
:shhh: it's better to think late because then you aren't so disappoiinted if bub is late! :D

I wanted to be late but Evie was 10 days early :roll:
i reckon early as i've had quite a stressful pregnancy this time round.

lost my dad on christmas day, 10 days after we found out
moved house at 31 weeks
first born is now back with us along with OH's eldest nephew who is driving me mad
the midwives think i'm in early labour as i've lost the rest of my plug and having contractions. :(
I thought Isaac would be late as he was so chilled, his labour was quite lengthy in the end but he was a few days early. I think this little one will be early, she's never still :)
early, the little bugger is measuring 5 weeks ahead :shock:
Jack was on his due date- so im gonna say due date again :lol:
i have a feeling i'll be late :?
really wanna go between 37weeks and 40weeks but i cant see it :think:

OH was 2 weeks early tho and i was on time but my mum was induced due to high BP so i dunno if oh being early will help my cause atall?!?!
Im pretty sure Im going to go overdue. Have thought all the way through she will be late and showing no signs to say otherwise :( My first was exactly a week late so Im expecting the same kinda timeframe, then at least I wont be disappointed when my due date comes and goes without any action! :roll:
I have a wierd feeling that things will start to happen on 29th August (7 days late)..

So I chose late! x
I thought all the way through that I was going to be early, about a week and she came 3 weeks early :D

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