early, on due date or late??

My first was 2 weeks early, my second was on the due date and the third was 2 days late. I've got no idea what will happen this time around.
i said week late but she was 8days late but whats 1 day :roll: :wink:
First was 39+4 and born on Boxing Day at 2.02am, so if you do go into labour on your due date I can sympathise with being in labour on Xmas day :lol:
Second was 36+2.
I thought I'd go way over Isaac's 'estimated due date', but he was 3 days early :)
Finn was 18 days early. Can't imagine the thought that I could have still be carrying him for 5 more weeks had he been 2 weeks late!
10 days late and booked in to be induced but luckily went into labour the day before induction.

Every day of that 10 days felt like a week!
My first was 18 days overdue, and my second was 15 days overdue.

There was no option on the poll for over 2 weeks overdue though, so I just picked 'up to 1 week overdue'
by scan Brayds was 5 days late by my dates he was on time - i like to think i am right :rotfl:
to be honest i wouldnt be too eager hunnie! lol.

i was CONVINCED id go anyday after 36-37 wks. I was so big, baby had 'dropped' etcetc... i was even eating pineapple, having tones of sex, and even had caster oil. Had the runs all the time... all the signs/things to 'push things along' lmao.

nothing happened.

midwives kept saying 'ohhhh.. your ready anyday now' 'you wont last the weekend'. ALL THE TIME.

i even had a sweep on my due date......

still nothing.

2 days after i went into labour, but only 2 days after that hannah made an appearence. :rotfl:

i was 40+4 in the end. even tho id been expecting 'anyday' for atleast a 3 weeks!!! lmao.
Charlie was born on his due date of St Geroges Day!
Had a Stag Dynamite Hot curry the night before and went into labour an hour later.
i couldnt select a poll option as Alana was over 2 weeks later, 42 +1 :shock:
Xena said:
My first was 18 days overdue, and my second was 15 days overdue.

That just sounds horrendous!!! :rotfl: You must have been desperate! I was and my babe was 18 days early!

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