Dying hair


Aug 26, 2008
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Hi Ive heard that dying hair is a big no no during pregnancy. Is this true?! If so does anybody know of an alternative, cant imagine the next 9 months with no hair colour!
hiya , i thought that aswel im 25 weeks pregnant and went to my hairdresser and asked my midwife and they both said that its fine to have it done the only thing they dont recommend is Perms coz the solution gets into ya blood stream and has a bad reaction with LO . I go to the hairdressers every month now for my highlights done rather than doing it myself i feel safer.

Amy xx
yer i have spoken to few hair dressers all said its ok after 12 weeks but perms is not reccommend as dangerous for LO + it wont take on your hair with hormones ect
yeah you can do like the other girls have said, im always colouring my hair but havent for while but will later on in couple months di it again as its different colours now :D
I have ginger roots, my roots never come in this colour, soo need to dye it! :lol: i look such a mess cause its much more greasy then normal!
I would wait until after 12 weeks just to be safe. I also heard that highlights are better than dying your whole head as the dye isn't being absorbed into your body as the colour doesn't touch your head.

We are all just better being gypsys for 9 months :rotfl:
My hairdresser advised it as a no no for my highlights because they didn't know how my hair might react and worry about it going into the bloodstream - me being nervous have chose to stick with this and buy coloured hair mousse and those shaders sachets at 99p and do that once a week.

Each to their own and you just follow your instincts - I was just wary so decided it wasn't worth any risks for me
Hey thanx everyone!

I guess I will have to go for the natural look to be on the safe side! Can someone tell me how you get the information chart that you all have with age of baby etc at the bottom?
I had my hair coloured last week. I checked first and she said that black colouring is not recommended as part of the colour can enter the blood stream but other colours are ok.

I waited till after the 12 wk mark as my hair had been a bit grotty during this time. Its feeling much nicer now! :D

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