Dying Hair??


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
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Ok so i'm a bridesmaid in under 4 weeks and i have been leaving my hair as long as possible so that i can have it done just before the wedding... BUT.... i have since found out that im pregnant (about 5 weeks) and it seems to be such a dodgy area, some say you shouldn't, some say it's fine.

The thing is im obviously going to have to do something to it because i cant have blonde hair and dark roots for the wedding.

Anyone else had this problem of tried a different kind of dye or just had it done as they normaly would?


I have had mine dyed all the way through and nothings happened, think the modern hair dyes are ok as long as they are properly used!!
I had a big issue about this when I first found out I was expecting.
I've been dying my hair for years. In the first trimester I put it off for as long as I possibly could, until it looked hideous and multi coloured!
One day I went into Boots and asked one of the ladies who worked there what she advised about the safety of it. She actually asked me which specific dye I'm wanting to purchase, then she looked on the box and rang their careline for me and got advice off them. They said that the hair dye should be perfectly safe but should always get doctors advice before trying it.
I went home and decided to ring NHS Direct about it. I got a call back within the hour off someone who said they'd fully researched it and even though theirs a stigma attached to it about how unsafe it is, it actually isn't and is extremely safe as we don't absorb toxic amounts of it for it to harm a baby. He advised me to not dye it extremely often like once a day, and all should be fine.
I've since dyed my hair about 4 times and everything's been fine :)

They always say though that it's best to avoid risky things in the first trimester. But it's upto you
I've dyed mine with this baby and my DD (foils) and not had any problems! xx
I've dyed my hair all the way through too. I'd say just do it in a well ventilated room x x
I've done it all the way through BUT make sure you do the allergy test as your skin changes when pregnant!

i was wondering about this too...

maybe try a natural dye without such harsh chemicals like peroxide.
im not sure how blonde you can get the natural dyes though.
I had this problem and was gettind different advise from everyone so i guess its just down to which way you want to go .

Personally I decided to air on the side of caution and change from bleach to a colour with less amonia as i think that seems to be the dodgy bit, I went for a copper colour but it turned out a completly different colour and took a few goes to get it a normal looking colour lol but hairdresser said given the colour reaction on copper had i gone blonde it would have been way worse, the colour she uses now turns out perfect every time

I would advise if you decide to go head with blonde or something else to go to a hirdresser rather than from a box just incase you end up a different colour they will be able to fix it easie for the wedding :)
I asked my midwife about this and she said it's perfectly fine to dye my hair> It's such a minute amount of chemicals that go on your hair it's barely noticable. She said that if it was a major problem, hairdressers wouldn't be able to work while they're pregnant.

I colour my hair regularly and i've just changed to an ammonia free brand in tri 1, i'll go back to my normal one in tri 2.

I agree though to do a strand test! I had a friend who had just had her hair permed before she fell pregnant. She went to have it coloured from blonde to red when she was around 6 weeks. It turned to frizz and went bright orange, she ended up having to have the lot cut off short! She wasn't happy!
its prefectly safe, ive done it a few times and everyone ive asked said its ok (except some random girl). your hair might take the colour differently but thats about it.
I also have continued throughout pregnancy but be warned the colour doesn't always come out as planned and can change very quickly!! I ended up looking like an orangutan which my Hubby thought was hilarious even though it was the same colour i had been using for the previous 6 months with out any probs.

I just bare that in mind when getting hair dyed now! x
I was concerned about this so found a hair salon near me that uses natural hair dye, it's less bad for baby so I am told.

I'm possibly just a worry wart but I didn;t want to do anything that may harm my baby and besides that it's good for your hair the herbal stuff :)

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