Dummies whilst breastfeeding?


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2006
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im plannnig on breastfeeding ellouise...

im just wondering can you use dummies when breastfeeding or does it confuse the baby or something?

if you can give them dummies when can you use them from?

thanks in advance x

I'm not sure what the official line is with dummies but personally I gave Olivia a dummy when she was 10 days old. I was ready to give up breastfeeding as my nipples were bleeding and sore, and I didn't have any confidence that I was filling her up as she always seemed to want more! The dummy was our saviour for a while.

My friend recommended me the Tommy Tippeee Nuby Orthodontic Dummies, they move in and out like your breast does when they feed. You can get them from Boots and most other chemists.

only dummy that Jamie takes is the Avent one that came with the newborn starter bottle set, he had it after a day and now wont take any other one!!

only has it every couple of days for about an hour, mostly when he cant get himself to settle down to sleep then spits it out when he nods off
i breat fed and used a dummy and alex was fine with it.

like mummy kay i have aways used the avent ones.

I don't use a dummy as Ellie seems quite happy to suck her hand to start with and now she sucks her thumb if she wants the comfort. The advantage of her sucking her hand and thumb is it is always with her and she won't drop it.
I saw my midwife not long ago and somewhere in her ranitng on about things she said not to use one for 3 weeks..wow..i remembered something she said 8)
Eblinx said:
I saw my midwife not long ago and somewhere in her ranitng on about things she said not to use one for 3 weeks..wow..i remembered something she said 8)

lol :rotfl: ...im not the only one that switches off when the MW talks then lol
We used a dummy when Jamie was a couple of days old. He didn't get confused between that and the breast.
He hardly ever uses his dummy now, fingers are much nicer!!
I'm breastfeeding finlay, and started giving him a dummy at about 3 weeks old.

My HV said to wait until he'd established breastfeeding so not to confuse him.

I only give it to him when he wants the comfort of sucking but isnt hungry!

I breastfed and gave Maddie a dummy from around a week old - basically because she used my breast as a dummy and my nipples could take no more :rotfl:.

She stopped using it at around 3 months as she was able to suck her toys and seemed to get more pleasure out of those! She never got confused at feeding times though. We eventually moved to a bottle and she was fine with that too!

Midwives/HVs/people in medical profession generally don't like dummies so I'm sometimes a little sceptical about comments like 'it will cause nipple confusion'. But I guess all babies are different..!! We hadn't planned on using one because they seemed so controversial, but frankly as a new mum you'll do whatever you think is right for your own baby at the time!

violet-glow said:
Eblinx said:
I saw my midwife not long ago and somewhere in her ranitng on about things she said not to use one for 3 weeks..wow..i remembered something she said 8)

lol :rotfl: ...im not the only one that switches off when the MW talks then lol

No your not dont worry..she will start talking and i will try to listen..but then she bangs on and on and i just drift off into my own thoughts untill she is done :rotfl: :rotfl:
Lucy what you explained is the same as me Jakob ALWAYS wants more and i have to just give him a dummy in the end but i have no confidence he is getting enough, his nappies are not as wet and no poos since last night when i started just giving him breast instead of breast and EMB in a bottle and i have just had him on me for hours (same this morning) and he has not seemed full and content all day!

what did you do cause im so close to just making up a bottle of forumula cause i feel really bad not knowing if he is getting enough from me :(
im no expert but if u are still having trouble with your tummy and not feeling well then thats probably not helping. I was told to drink loads of water. The fright with him being ill might be affecting you too.
i hope things start to get better :hug:
Jaycee had a dummy in the first few days too, she was a very sucky baby and my nipples couldnt take anymore!! I think its fine and they wont get confused coz eventually baby needs to know u can get drink/food from different shapes like a bottle, a sippy cup, straws etc.. it helps them move up stages rather than not taking to anything else. Jaycee was easy to get onto a beaker from bottle. Ur not supposed to give them juice in a bottle so need a beaker in the first few months.. all the avent ones have age ranges on them. The different shapes etc..
Every baby is different, some are sucky babies some arent..if yours is, then let them have a dummy, theres no harm in comfort sucking. :hug: :)

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