Dull pains?


Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2008
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Last night I was led in bed and right across my lower part of my tummy i was getting dull achey pains and they were shooting down the right side of my leg too. The only way i can decribe the ache was a mild period pain - Anyone know what this is? I could still feel baba moving so i didnt want to ring the hospital and sound like a worrying mother to be!!!

Leanne xxx
Anyone?! Im still getting mild pains but now it feels like its downstairs in my lady bits the bit by my bum! :?
When I went into labour... it felt kind of like period pains, and braxton hicks that hurt mixed into 1.

If I was you, id ring your GP or atleast nhs direct and see what they say. Might be safest to go get checked, if you are going into early labour for whatever reason, they have abetter chance of being able to stop it, the earlyer you go down there.

I hope everythings fine tho, and its just your body streching etc.
HertsMummy said:
When I went into labour... it felt kind of like period pains, and braxton hicks that hurt mixed into 1.

me too. that's all i can say really. Give your MW a call :hug:
Im going to see midwife at 3 so ill mention it then and see what she says - hopefully it will just be stretching its too early for bubs!
Make sure you let her know how concerned you are... dont let her just fob you off if you feel that somethings not right, dont leave until you are 100% happy that your baby is fine :)

Let us know how you get on :hug:
HertsMummy - Ive registered with a new doctors so ill be seein a new midwife - my other one used to fob me off all the time by saying if you feel 10 movements a day then baby is fine - i do feel a lot of movement but i dont like this lil niggling pain ive had since last night!. Hopefully she will be a nice midwife!! I just feel as if im a worrying 1st timer as i dont know what pains etc to feel but its still there from last night so i shall tell her im concerned!
I would get period like pains - they were just stretching pains. I hope that's what yours are too :hug:
Midwife told me off for not ringing the hospital - oops! I said i didnt want to sound like a worrying 1st timer but she said would you rather a healty baby or not :oops:
Everything has died down now anyway so im glad! but if it happens again i shall ring the hospital. She said it might be the way the baby is lying thats causing me to have pains in my lower belly - because when she felt my stomach it was really sore and tender! :?
Anyway all is good! Bubs iskicking hard :D Thanks ladies
If you're ever, ever worried about anything, ring the hospital, that's what they are there for. Even if it turns out to be nothing, it's better to be safe than sorry and no-one will have a go at you for checking things out xxx

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