Due date/sweep


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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Hey everyone! its my due date today :dance: My midwife is coming round to my house in the next few hours to do a sweep. Anyone have any experience of this. Is it really sore? Did you go into labour after it?

(there doing a sweep today cos its bankholiday monday this week and then im away (out of liverpool) til next saturday)

have heard its just like a internal, doesnt hurt ..

good luck hpe it brings on labour for you... :hug: :hug: :hug:
Happy due date hun, can u let me know what the sweep is like as i'm due one wednesday and don't know much about them? :hug: Good luck xx
I already replied to Claires thread as i didnt see this one first.

I had no signs of labour and at 4 days overdue went for a sweep at 1.30pm and went into labour at 6pm that same night. Plus i was told that my cervix half way between being favourable and unfavourable and it was behind the baby so she pulled it forward, so we wernt sure if it was going to work (luckily it did).

I wouldnt sy it was sore either, just really uncomfortable and quite undignified to have a virtual stranger rummaging about in there :rotfl: !

good luck with it and hopefully you get good news or it sets you off :cheer: .
thanks everyone.
Ive just had my midwife poke around..and she couldnt do it. Said it wasnt ready altho she could feel the head and my cervix was soft. Shes gonna come Wednesday morning (just before i leave liverpool) to try again.

:cry: :cry: :cry: after she went i started crying lol. i felt all positive this morning now just feel like im gonna be here (pregnant) forever.
:hug: aww, i'm sorry it didnt work, please dont cry! i kno it must be annoying going overdue but try to enjoy ur last few days with LO inside u. a lot of mummys say they miss being pg! :hug: :hug: :hug:

aww hun sorry she couldnt do it :hug: I giev you loads of Labour dust for this weekend. What will you do if your still pregnant when you have to leave ?
Ah :hug: I hope you're feeling better now, just think like i am (even though it don't make me feel a LOT beter) but at the most you've got 2 weeks left now. But hopefully little one will be here way before that :hug:
goodluck for wednesday :Dhope she can hold till tehn :)

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