Due Date!! And big, long moan - sorry!!


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Morning girls - it's five to four in the morning and I've been awake for hours - had to get out of bed as OH is on nights tonight and needs his sleep and basically I was disturbing him!

Due Date today and after all the excitment of yesterday morning with regular pains and lots of pressure down below everything has gone away!!!

Also been feeling very very down since about lunch-time yesterday. Went to the stables yesterday morning, convinced that mucking out would keep the pains I was having going, but an incident with the horse (he got stuck in a fence!!) sent my adrenalin sky high and all the contractions or whatever they were stopped, never to return!!

By the time I got home the "what ifs" had started, ie what if I hadn't had been there to release him from the fence, what if he'd broken a leg, etc etc - he's fine by the way!! Silly Pony. Since then I've pretty much been on a downer about EVERYTHING!

Did anyone else get this weepy, doom and gloom mood before baby was due? I thought I was supposed to get this rush of energy, start nesting like a lunatic and be on some hormonal high??
Oh Hun I know how you feel! :hug:
I have been feeling really down since about 38 weeks and i keep crying all the time. These babies sure know how to tease us don't they. I did not think i would still be pregnant by now but just keep thinking that the most i can possibly have left is 2 weeks. (Its gonna be a long 2 weeks) Hope you don't have to wait that long!
Morning Kellie.

Thanks for the reply!! Just got up and have lots of cramping and braxton hicks again.

I know what you mean about two weeks to go - that's as far as we can be away from our babies - but like you said it drags and drags and people keep phoning me up going "have you had it yet" - like I'm not going to tell anybody!

I know what you mean about the phone calls..... Everyone keeps on calling, emailing etc, saying "ooooo you must be so excited" which of course I am, but it's not up to me when baby will be born, and the constant repetition is quite tiring. I'm sure your adrenalin didn't stop the pains you were getting, exercise is supposed to help with BH, but real contractions aren't stopped by anything.

I have read feeling excessively emotional can also be a sign of the pre-labour build-up, so dont loose heart yet :hug: :hug: :hug:
Let's have a group hug girls :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

We are all in the same boat by the sounds of it.
I am due tomorrow

If babe doesnt come itself then it might be as late as 8th feb!!!!

Aw Shaz, going overdue sucks big time!

Turn your phone off for a bit (it won't hurt, warn your OH in case he panicks) the endless text messages do your head in!

Hope things get moving for all you overdue ladies soon :hug:
I was four days overdue and totally peed off about it! The night before my labour started i had been stomping around the house shouting that I was sick of beng pregnant and then crying that i was sure i would still be pregnant a halloween (Thea was born 22nd October)

I never got that burst of energy hun, i forced myself to walk around Budapest over the week of my due date but i would have happily just laid in bed.

People calling did my head in!

It sucks to be overdue but your baby will arrive when the time is right!

from a fellow-horsey-preggie-person; horses are sent to test us. Just think of it as practice for when your baby arrives. I had a doom and gloom day yesterday when I realised, as I watched my friends disappear down the gallops without me, that I still have 6 whole months of this left. Smile - you've only got a couple of days at most. Then you'll have your baby (because it IS coming out sooner or later) and after a little while, back on your horse. (None riding people don't realise not being able to ride is a bit like having your left arm cut off. I fly for a living too, and that's like having your right arm cut off. I'd quite like it if pregnancy only lasted about, oooh, 3 weeks!)

So get yourself something nice to eat and have a word with your horse explaining to him that he is supposed to be your stress relief at the moment - not the cause of more stress.

I'm trusting you've got someone lined up to look after him for a while. My friend had her baby last week and unexpectedly had a cesarean. She had imagined she was going to be able to get straight back to mucking out 3 horses a day by herself. Now her husband is doing them and he is not especially happy about that!

Cheer up and good luck!
Happy due date Shaz!

2 weeks MAX for you now, its a sod going overdue (although I was only two days) im sure things will kick off for you soon!

My advice is try and get some sleep whilst you still have the chance :wink:
oh i know how you feel im four days overdue..and am going crazy and i think that the baby wont be here before the summer..ohhhhhh im going crazy AND not even one pain..i think its the zoe history repeating itself!
Lots of love & labour dust for all you lovely ladies who are due or overdue :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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