Due 23rd october bump buddies?


Active Member
Apr 6, 2012
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Hi, im due 23rd october.. was wondering if anyone was due around the same time and would like to be bump buddies?xxx.
Hey hon, am sure you'll get a response here too but just so you know there is a bump buddy request thread in pregnancy chat...that way you can see who is due around the same time as you and befriend them that way as well :) xxx
Hey I'm due around that time if u wanna b buddies!! :) x x
I'm due the exact same day according to my dating scan (but not according to my own dates). I'm not sure id be a great bump buddy though especially if we're in labour at the same time! x x
I'm due the exact same day according to my dating scan (but not according to my own dates). I'm not sure id be a great bump buddy though especially if we're in labour at the same time! x x
yeah i worked out i was due the first week of october but my MW said different ha! still gotta wait for my dating scan on the 20th april which will make me 13+3! and yeah thats a good point:Lxxx.
I'm due on the 17th October....how big are your bumps? I'm trying to work out if mine is baby or easter chocolate...
Hi I'm 29th October , I've just got my first appointment with doctor on 24th April then I may get to make my appointment with a mw god knows when I'm get a scan I'll be 13 weeks then xx
hay im due on the 29th oct too :), how you finding things ? anyone had a scan ? xx

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