Driving me nuts!


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2010
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Since he's been head down in the last week i have CONSTANT peeing!!! I get a twinge and think i'm busting and i rush up and only a DRIBBLE. This will happen every bloody 20 minutes!! When your toilet is upstairs its a right pain in the day. It's happening in the nights now too (whereas i slept soundly before) Night before last i must have gone to the toilet about 7 times in 4 hours. And i feel like if i don't empty whats there i'm going to get the dreaded UTI. I've tried the rocking back and forth, nada. No way i'm gonna lift the bump to release some as i did that with my youngest at 36 weeks and my waters went lol

Anyone else being driven nuts by this?
Oh yes!! Lol baby has started to engage and I can't stay off the loo now lol does my nut in x

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I went 4 times in 20 mins yesterday!! And it was full on wee too which isn't good! Was up about 4 times last night but I'm also so thirsty ATM! I hate drinking cos it makes me wee but if I don't drink I get bad period pains! 3rd tri sucks!! Lol
i wee less then normal :( i very rarely wake up during the night anymore.. maybe something is not right?
I hear ya! I've been like this since about 32 weeks and am also v thirsty all the time. Luckily our ensuite is literally 2ft away from my side of the bed and we also have a downstairs loo for during the day otherwise I'd be going mental!
I'm peeing loads during the day and like annie am so thirsty all the time! It doesn't affect me at night though.
lol I might just make my home on the loo for the next few weeks. I've just been for my 3rd wee since 8.30am :roll:
i just read that when babys engaging it will push more on your bladder so i guess Little Noa has no intrest in sticking his head down my twink just yet :(
Lol! My biggest challenge is getting to and from school! Have to pee before I set off and then I always need to pee when I get back too! Soooo much fun!

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