Dressing babies like animals

Braydon had like a cota like serens for 0-3 he had a devil outfit for halloween and a santas for christmas lol
Laz, those are the first pics I have seen of teeny Ella, she was so adorable (and she still is but you know what I mean).
beanie said:
Laz, those are the first pics I have seen of teeny Ella, she was so adorable (and she still is but you know what I mean).

I know, I never posted any when she was born, Im not allowed to post them :roll: but cant resist! :shhh:

she's changed so much and grown too fast :(
:rotfl: :rotfl:

lol xena i just blame the hormones :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

tigger -piglet off the same programme :rotfl: :rotfl:
I loved this coat loads!!
joshua had a tigger outfit from the disney shop and we saved it but do you think that i can find it for liam. :(
lauz were did you get that pink coat from?

ive got a funny feeling my LO is a girl, and that coat, wow!!! i have to have one...

were did you purchaseeeeeee it from and what was the damage?

thanks xx
The pictures are lovely of all the kids. Where do you buy them from?
My mum got it last year it was from sainsbury's. They may have something similar in this year. I have seem similar ones around in toher shops but cant remember which! keep your eye out and let me know if you find any, I want a big one for Ella
i got harley a new one yesterday its soooooo nice i would have happily paid £25 for it. but it was only £6 from peacocks... any one got a peacocks near them????

its nice its baby blue real soft material with big floppy ears and paws :lol:

i love dressing Kiara up like that think all the pics are sooo cute
Was gonna mention the tigger thing too im a whinnie the pooh finatic lol
You would never catch me dressing my child up !




awww duds!! were did you get that from, that is soooooo cute :D lol [/u]
Mothercare - half price a few months ago £6.50! its actually for a 1 year old but she seems to fit now.

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