dreams ?

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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come on then who's having these horrible vivid too life like dreams ?

i had another one last ngiht , and it was that id started bleeding , now im completely paranoid :shock:

had another weird one , i was nearly full time with a lil boy , but my waters broke or something and all the fluid around baby went , so he was just floppy in my tummy skin , i had to like hold him up if that make sense :shock: and i was trying to get to the hossy :?

im a freak !
I had them ALL the time when newly pregnant, they really freaked me out sometimes, about people I went to school with, neighbours I used to live beside back when I was a nipper type thing, old boyfriends, schools, anything that really was right at the start of my life type thing. Wierd.

They lasted a few weeks and vanished...phew nice night's sleeps again.

I have to say they have now returned with avengence...it's common to get them again in the last few weeks of pregnancy and I guess because I had them at the start I'm having them at the end too. I end up getting up earlier in the morning because I can't bear the though of returning to sleep and those nasty dreams!!
Mine are usually about being heavily pregnant and my oh cheating on me :(
talking of weird dreams I had one... it was before I got pregnant, but literaly the night before the happy accident happened I dreamt that I was pregnant :shock:
G3M said:
im a freak !

i had one a couple of weeks ago... i was pregnant with twin boys and then i gave birth to just one girl :roll:
so wat is it, a girl or boy!?? lol but i know that theres only one in there!
not like that but ive had ex's crop up in my dreams and being a lezzie :wall: nowt wrong with being one but im not one.
Yeah I had loads in the early weeks of pregnancy that I was loosing baby and would wake up crying :( luckily they were only dreams and did come true :) :hug:

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