Dreamfeeds and winding - help!


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2007
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Now Connie is being brilliant and sleeping through the night (she goes about 11.30pm to about 7.30am) we have a 'dreamfeed' at about 4ish... she sleeps all the way through it, including through being winded, and that means she doesn't wind very well if at all. I'm worried this is what's causing her misery and colic at about 11am?

Do you wind when dreamfeeding? How do you manage it?

Thank you!!!
I never winded Tom when dreamfeeding. They're so sleepy that they don't gulp at the bottle so they don't take down the same amount of air that they do when they're awake. I used to hold him upright for a while afterwards (mainly because he had reflux) and then lay him down as normal. Lx
I wish that Ella would dreamfeed, the only way that she will take her bottle is if she is wide awake - we try waking her at 10ish to top her up and she takes an ounce and falls fast asleep! v
Never winded, just used to lift DD up to my shoulder gently before lying her back down. This seemed to shift anything that might be bubbling!
How do you dreamfeed a baby that is the lightest sleeper in the world?
Thank you for all your suggestions... unfortunately NOT winding her isn't an option as she really gulps her milk (even when asleep) and so usually needs to bring up a couple of huge burps even in the night.

I tried being less obsessive about it a few nights back and put her down... 5 minutes later she was wide awake with hiccups and needed winding :cry: what a pain! Then she went to sleep and woke herself up with 10 sneezes in a row.

Bah. I think there's nothing for it but to stay up for an hour after she's fed to make sure it's all up. Bummer.

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