Dream feed???


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Apr 23, 2006
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I was wondering if anyone gives there babies a dream feed late in the evening (between 10pm and 11pm)? We have been trying this with our daughter but she will only take about one ounce. I was hoping someone might have some suggestions on how to get her to take a few more ounce at this feed? :sleep: :sleep:
If she's only taking an ounce then that's probably all she needs. You could try sitting her up and winding her to wake her enough to see if she wants more?
We've always given Jamie a feed around 10. When he was really little sometimes it would take ages to get him to feed but as he's got older he can down a bottle quite quickly.

Have you tried slightly pinching her earlobes or stoking her cheek? If we tickled Jamie's chin that would wake him up for a bit.

I wouldn't worry too much tho. you can't force them to eat & if she seems happy then leave it. She'll probably change what she wants/needs in a while anyway.
I gave Damien a dream feed for ages at about 11pm. Only stopped a month or so ago. But if he falls asleep at night before his evening bottle, I'll still dream feed him. I love it, he's all sleepy and cuddly :)
Damien never used to take much at first, but now he'll drink a whole 9oz. Just see how it goes hun, she might gradually take more xx
i dream feed Ellis at 10.30 he takes between 4-5 ounces like normal.... but if he only took a few ounces i wouldnt wake him cos then he will not go back down.

I agree if your LO wanted more she would take it.

I read when you dream feed a baby you don't need to wind them because they are relaxed so wont swallow air. Is this right?
i still burp Ellis in his dream feed and get burps up.... but that might make a bit of sense as he doesnt burp very much in the night??!! xxx
skatty said:
I read when you dream feed a baby you don't need to wind them because they are relaxed so wont swallow air. Is this right?

I used to bring Ella up to my shoulder really slowly to carry her back to her crib, if she had any wind it would come up then.
it weird cos winding Ellis dont wake him up! infact he falls to sleep while i do it!! Strange boy hehe xxx

Kiara does the same thing as Ella guess every baby is different
i tried dream feeding liam but the little monkey still woke during the night the same as usual. he only take 4oz at a time anyway.
Keely, have you got a routine for Ellis? I'm just feeding Katy when she wakes up, i'm not sure she'd BF if she was asleep as if shes at all sleepy she doesn't take much as it is!!

Is it orth trying to introduce a dream feed as shes up every 2 hrs at the mo!?!
Hi Em

I would say if she is up every 2 hrs a dream feed is not really going to help! poor you! you must be knackered

Ellis put himself into a routine at night, he just decided to start going 4-5 hrs at night and 3 hrs in the day. so if his last feed is at 7ish... he would wake himself at about 12ish... but if i dream feed him at 10.30 he will go till 3 or 4 am.

KatysMummy said:
Keely, have you got a routine for Ellis? I'm just feeding Katy when she wakes up, i'm not sure she'd BF if she was asleep as if shes at all sleepy she doesn't take much as it is!!

Is it orth trying to introduce a dream feed as shes up every 2 hrs at the mo!?!

Ella used to take a dreamfeed from the breast, a lot easier than taking EBM aswell. Think it's because she could smell my boob :)

Katy will probably settle into her own feeding routine soon, at the moment she's sorting out your milk supply but should settle at around 8-10 weeks :hug:
I know I might sound silly but what is the purpose of a dream feed??

Isabella has her last bottle about 8.30 ish and will then wake at about 3-4pm will this make her go the night through??

Thanks in advance

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