Down Down Down


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2007
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Hi Ladies,

i hope you all had a good weekend. Mine was mostly spent wondering what the ehll my body is up to! I came off the pill a while ago, and as yet still am unsure as to how long my cycle really is... For the sake of having a ticker I estimated a 28 day cycle, and therefore should be ovulating today... :pray:

However I had soem bleeding about a week ago, only when i wiped, and was brownish, rather than menstrual blood...(Sorry it TMI!) :wall:

Wondering if I should start testing for ovulation?

Until then, I am left owndering whats going on.... luckily my OH thinks this is a great excuse for BD'ing as much as possible!

Well, anyway, good luck to all those ovulating around now...
Hey Hon,

Sorry to hear you are having a horrible day. The best way to tell when you are ovulating is to check you cervical fluid and use opk's (ovulation predictor kits). Look out for cervical fluid that has the consistancy and colour of raw egg whites. This is what your body produces when you are gearing up to ovulate as sperm can swim in it really well. Most women have 2 or 3 days of it and then when you have ov'd you'll dry up or it will change to sticky conistancy. Sorry to be gross but that's what happens.

Hope this helps

Hi becs,

Thanks for the advice, i will def. keep a look out for it! Ever since mu OH & i decided to try for a baby, i feel like my body has been all over the place, but maybe i am just monitoring myself for the first time, every cramp or twinge!!!!!
Yep I know exactly how you feel :wink:

Good luck!

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