Double buggys...


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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Looks like DS is going to be about two years old when I will have a newborn again.

Im assuming a two year old still needs to be in a buggy really for outings/walks/shopping etc.

Any of you have this age gap/ have a two YO, do you still need a buggy.

Any advice on double buggys? Planning in advance I know, but im a bit OCD when it comes to baby... like to know what to expect :rotfl:
My friend has 22 months between her two and she has a Phil and Ted's Sport, which is great as she can have it double when needed, but single if the older one is walking, or at pre school.
There's 22 months between my two, and yes for the first few months I used a tandem pram. At least until Lydia was around 2 and a half.

I don't use it now though, I've got it up for sale in the buy/sell section lol. You can have a look at it if you want (to see what type it is that I used....for inspiration I mean, I'm not expecting you to buy my pram haha):
I did have one but then sold it because I never used it. Prefer carrying Kieran in a sling and Nathan in the pushchair or Nathan on the buggy board and Kieran in the pushchair :)
Theres almost 14 months between my 2 so I obviously needed a double buggy but I only used it regularly till the eldest was about 2. Then I used it for long walks or shopping till she was about 2 and a half. Shes now 2 years and 9 months and I haven't used it for ages so got rid of it :D
my daughter was just over 2 when green bean was born and i'm glad i didn't get a double. She walks everywhere with us, and i've only just bought a buggy board and that's mainly for safety when I'm out shopping

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