Don't know what to


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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I know I only started my job yesterday but I'm really not liking it :( the contract is for 9 hours and I told them I can be flexible upto 16 hours but I'm not prepared to do anymore as I don't want to be away from Angel any longer, they said that's fine. I also told them I'd need to know my hours at least a week in advance for my childminder again they said no problem. I only met the supervisor yesterday as the manager wasn't in and I explained all this again and she asked if I can do weekend and I told her my childminder doesn't work weekend so as long as my husband isn't working I can do it, again just need a weeks notice. She asked about late nights (it's open till 9pm some nights) and I said same goes for weekends, as long as my OH is home it's fine but again I need notice; she said all of this is fine she just needs to tell the manager today. Anyway I'm not impressed so far with the job itself, I'm literally doing nothing but walk around the store for 4 hours. There's only straightening out the stock and silly things like that but I've got to walk around the store again and again in order to 'look busy' - supervisors words!!! Same thing again today. The manager comes in and barely even says hi to me before calling me to one side and saying"Lauren we're all in the same boat here, we all have to chip in and do weekends and late nights I need you to be flexible" Honestly her attitude was disgusting, speaking to me like I'm bone idle. I felt like saying we're not all in the same boat, no one else here has an 8 month old baby to worry about and I didn't say I can't do weekends or late night I simply said if my husband is home it's fine - what does she want? Me to leave Angel alone? I know it's not a hard job but I cannot go to work and walk around a store for 4 hours, I'm not enjoying it, my little brain isn't doing anything, it's basically not worth being away from Angel for this, not even for the money. I want to at least enjoy a job to make the whole thing worthwhile. I dunno what to do :( sorry for the really long post :( I just hate being away from Angel too. By the time I've driven home it's 3.30 I literally get 2.5 hours with her before she has her tea and goes to bed :( I hate it
If you don't need the money and don't enjoy it, quit. It's not worth it otherwise. X

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Yeah if your not happy, and from you post the other day you never wanted to leave her in the first place then quit,

Horrible way to be spoken to by a manager on your second day too,

If you still need a little money could you maybe do Avon or something like that? something u can do most of with Angle?
Maybe give it a bit longer you might start to get on with people there and it won't seem so boring if there's people to have a laugh and take your mind off things.

There's nothing worse than being told to look busy for busy's sake, feels like a waste of energy.
Babe don't get disheartened by someone who clearly doesn't know what it's like to be in your situation.. Give it time and see how you feel after a couple of weeks.. Maybe ask for extra work to do? Paperwork and such so it keeps you busy? In the long run you'll have a life outside of being 'mum' and possibly make some new friends..
If you feel it's not for you after a few weeks then give it up, at least you'll know you tried u know? :hug:
Thanks for your advice everyone. Money wise, we wouldn't struggle as such on just OHs wage I think because this is the first time in my life I've had no income I kinda crapped myself and though I need money ASAP if that makes sense. I absolutely hate asking or borrowing money I know he's my husband but I've always been so independent in that respect I couldn't imagine relying on anyone else. With regards to the duties, I've asked if there's anything I can do and all she said was just walk around the store, literally she said just that!! There's nothing in the stores I can, she told me to learn how to work the prams in the front and I've done that to the point of being able to do it with my eyes shut lol. I like the supervisor and the other assistant but everytime the manager comes out of the back she just kept snapping 'Lauren walk around'! The other assistant was on the till yesterday and a woman bought loads of stuff so I bagged it for her just so she wasn't kept waiting around and to help my colleague and another bloke came to the till after and asked if we had something in stock I said we don't stock it and he started making conversation with me about the store etc and the manager storms over, stand right in front of me and says can I help you to this customer and he said nah I was just talking and she said my staff are here to work!! I was being polite to a fricking customer!! She turns back to me and said Lauren we do not need 2 people on the till, has the supervisor told you to walk the back of the store? I said no and she told me to literally walk round the back of the store :( I can't go in today anyway, Angel isn't well she has a horrible cold and has been sick on me 4 times in the night so between showering, changing Angel and her bedding I've had about 2 hours sleep. I don't wanna take her to the childminder like this :( I've been asked to go for another interview somewhere else I might try that :( xx
I'd leave, even if you have to look for something different, I wouldn't work there x
And I'd send a letter to their head office, outlining what a hideous place it is to work while I'm at it! x
I know it's more reasonable to stick it out but I just keep thinking why am I spending 5 hours away (takes me 20 mins to drive there) from my daughter to walk around a store for 4 hours and receive attitude from a manager? Obviously I'm not running a marathon but my legs and feet and back were killing from aimlessly wondering around for 4 hours straight. What's in that for me and Angel that makes it worth me leaving her? I wouldn't have cared about the hours thing but I told her straight away in the interview what the situation is so they knew all this when hiring me. xx
Where are you working? They spins horrific ESP as they sell baby products you think they'd be more understanding!

That sounds awful, the manager sounds like a knob! Hate it when you give conditions like when you can work, they agree then have a go! Can't believe they are paying someone to walk around, I mean if you can't even talk to customers what do they want someone for?
I'd quit
What an absolute idiot! Take this other interview.. What's wrong with talking to a customer it's not like u were chatting to a mate who popped in! I'd make a complaint about her she shouldn't talk to you like that.. I get what you mean, if your away from your baby it has to be worthwhile not just wandering about.. Sorry your having such a rough time there babe :hug:
What's the other job like?xx
Oh hun, not the start u were hoping for eh?! Doesnt sound like its worth doing really!
Sorry to hear Angel is poorly- Ethan has been too (went to Dr yesterday as he has been pooing between 3-5 times a day since Thursday last week as well as having a cold!). Dr said he's had a tummy bug which has also caused the cold :-( Its so crap when they are ill. I know what u mean about spending all ur time cleaning up and changing them- Ethan has got a really sore bum from all the poop so I am trying to change him really regularly, but its like when they are a newborn again and constantly on the changing mat!
I would probably just quit the job and say try for something else- u have nothing much to lose and another opportunity may work out much better xxx
Thanks for all the advice again girls. Sorry I haven't been able to reply, my flipping iphone screen has had it and I cannot see anything, nor do I have time to go on the laptop a lot lol so sorry for abandoning this, I really do appreciate everyones advice :) Bit of an update, I went back in on Thursday as Angel was much better, had a better day the bitch manager wasn't in and there was actually stuff to do. I don't know though I worked in an office for about 6 years and I really miss doing that. I feel like I'm selling myself short doing this job, I'm not really using my brain at all iykwim. I used to work in lighting and electrical and I loved it, I learned so much and everyday was different. So OH and I drove round all the industrial estates in our area and I wrote down all of them and basically just emailed them all asking if they had admin vacancies and explained my situation etc. Had a few replies back, so it's looking promising :) when I first starting looking I just wanted a nice easy job and wasn't bothered what I got offered. But now I am lol, I want to be doing something I really love doing again. So my plan is to just quit this job because I'm not happy and look for something I'm more confident that I'll enjoy and spend the time in between with Angel :)

I don't really have a choice anyway, I specifically told them I need to know my hours a week in advance for me and for my childminder, this is her requirement so she can plan her timetable for the week. My boss tried to call me on Friday, I returned her call yesterday and left a message as she was on another call and she never rang back so not my problem as far as I'm concerned. My childminder needs to know by today latest otherwise she won't be able to take Angel on, which I understand to be fair. They haven't called so I don't know what days/hours I'm supposed to be working - another reason I want to find something else. I hate not knowing what days and hours I'm working and having to worry and faff around!!

Phew! Sorry for the long post guys just felt I had to get it all out lol. Thanks again, hope you're all good :) xxxx
Good for u to go after something y would love to do! Can completely c where ur coming from and hope it works out for u!
Ps glad Angel is better xxx

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