Dont' Know What Else To Do


New Member
Jan 29, 2012
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So me and my husband have been TTC for three months now. My AF has been a no show for two months now, but I think it was because the first month I missed my period all together because its unreliable. About two weeks ago I took two HPT tests and they said they were my BFP. I was so excited but the lines were really faint and I havent had any insurance to go to the doctor. Yesterday I started having light spotting, like pinkish CM and I took another pregnancy test and I got a negative, then I took one this morning and it was still negative. Meanwhile I'm still having all the symptoms and my nipples seem to have gotten worse cause they feel like they're on fire if anything so much as touches them, including my shirt. I'm scared and unsure of whats going on. Ive made an appointment with a doctor for next week (insurance or not) but I wanted to get some input. Please help!
That sounds really stressful hon :( really sorry - not sure what to say as don't know why you would get those symptoms and your BFP would dissapear like that - do you think it may be a false positive? When's your doc appointment?? Sending hugs :hugs:xx
Thank you! The appointment is for Wednesday cause they're so backed up, but they told me to call back tomorrow and see if they had cancellations! I'm talking to my husband about all this but although he's trying to make me feel better, it just makes me feel worse. I don't think they were false positives though because they were in the time frame of three minutes when the lines popped up and it wasnt an evaporation line.
Sorry, wish i could help more, but it would be good if you could get a cancellation tomorrow as it sounds like the best thing for you to do would be to speak to a doc... let us know how you get on... xx

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