I had my last AF on April 10 and my AFs are always regular usually on the 24th or 25th day. Me and my husband had a little accident about 2 weeks ago. I took two test last week and they were both negative I was wondering if I took them too early considering that the accident was less than a week before? Also last week I had a bladder infection which I thought was odd cause I have not had one in many many years. While I was at the doctor the nurse told me that when she was pregnant she had one almost the whole time this little conversation got me to thinking. In the last week and a half I have been very moody, I have been having bad headaches (I rarely have a headache), feeling pukey and feeling bloated. Is anyone else having this problem because me and my husband are goin crazy cause Im very regular and Im still on bactrim for the bladder infection and its bothering me not knowing if Im pregnant or not dont want to do anything to hurt the baby if I am.