Anyone else?


May 10, 2005
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I had my last AF on April 10 and my AFs are always regular usually on the 24th or 25th day. Me and my husband had a little accident about 2 weeks ago. I took two test last week and they were both negative I was wondering if I took them too early considering that the accident was less than a week before? Also last week I had a bladder infection which I thought was odd cause I have not had one in many many years. While I was at the doctor the nurse told me that when she was pregnant she had one almost the whole time this little conversation got me to thinking. In the last week and a half I have been very moody, I have been having bad headaches (I rarely have a headache), feeling pukey and feeling bloated. Is anyone else having this problem because me and my husband are goin crazy cause Im very regular and Im still on bactrim for the bladder infection and its bothering me not knowing if Im pregnant or not dont want to do anything to hurt the baby if I am.
Well today is May 10th exactly 30 days since my last AF and still no signs of AF. Dont feel like its gonna show up either. My DH seems to think that I took the HPT too early last week. What do you guys think? He said the reason is because the little accident we had was just a couple of days before I took the test.
I think you should try the test again but i would recomend that you get a clear blue test i know they are more expensive but they will give you a better answer than the rest!!!
let us know the result i don't know how you can wait i went straight to the super market (coz the shops were shut) and got two!!!! LOL
good luck
Well I tried 1 Clear Blue Easy and it was BFN. Im just horribly confussed now. I have two more Clear Blue Easy test I can do. Is it possible that its too early or something since if I am pregnant that I would have gotten pregnant about a week and a half ago. Is it possible that there just isnt enough of the pregnancy hormones yet to show on the test?
Hi Klarie,

I to had my last AF on the 10th April, i calculated that i ovulated on the 23-24th. i was due on on the 8th may but AF has not arrived, i did a clear blue test on saturday,a day before AF was due but i did it too early i know even so it has put me off testing again because it was negative.

Let me know how you get on, i have sore nipples, tender breasts especially near the arm pits and slight cramping, but this could also be signs of AF

Good Luck
Ok I saw something strange earlier when I went to the bathroom. Sorry if this is TMI but need to know if its AF but dont think it is. I went to the bathroom and there was a spot and it was so light that I could barely tell it was pink so I assumed I was starting but nothing since and it was extreamly light and very odd little spot like I said so light you could barely tell it was light pinkish and now nothing at all. Normally when AF starts it starts it dont do this. Just need to know what you all think.
Sorry also have another question since I have two more test how long should I wait now to do another test?
sorry not too sure what that is but i would wait a few days if i was you to test or u could do one now and see? its up to you????
i don't have any patience so i would do it now thats just me!!! LOL
good luck!!!!
Well I did on earlier and it was BFN just wondering if it was too early.
it could be if i was you just wait a few days too a week and see if af comes? hopefully not!!!!
i just think its all so frustrating!!
Why cant it be so simple the body is the most confusing thing ever. :?

I just want to know one way or the other, surely if you are pregnant then it should show up on tests straight away rather than keep waiting a few extra days, they should make all tests super sensitive and cheaper!!! i must have spent about £70.00 on tests over the last few months so its disapointing that you have to test every couple of days to double check!

Anyway thats my moan for today, i do appologise for sounding miserable but i'm getting a little bored of the waiting and then AF will probably come with a vengance as i am now 3 days late!

Thanks For listening :D
Thge spot you saw may have been implantation bleeding.
The hormone detected by the tests will only start to be produced after implantation, so wait as long as you can, I would say maybe 4-5 days minimum., other wise there wil not be enough of the hormone.

You can also buy cheap tests on ebay to stop you spending so much money!
Thank you all for your help unfortunatly AF came this morning in full force :(

Amy's Mum I hope you find out something either way soon I know the waiting is horrible.

Baby dust to you all

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