Don't know much....


Active Member
Oct 14, 2006
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Hi all

I've not been on here long but dont have anyone else to talk to. I'm 31 weeks pregnant with my 1st baby & I'm beginning to feel really depressed and low. I'm exited about my baby & cant wait for it to be here, also I have almost all of the things I THINK I need... but I'm feeling alone. REALLY ALONE. I try & talk about it to my OH but feel like I'm being moany.

I moved about 30 minutes drive from where I've lived all my life to live with OH when we found out I was pregnant. The house is nice & a good home for starting off but I feel like my relationship is going down hill. I feel unattractive & like I have no confidence at all which I think is effecting the way I'm seen by my OH. I have no friends where I live at the minute & work miles away too so if I want to see any mates or work colleagues outside of work I have to drive which as you can understand I cant be bothered with.

I dont know how to approach telling my OH that I can feel myself slipping into a depressed state. I also dont want this to carry on after my baby is born I dont want to be a new mum coping with depression.

What can I do?? How can I help myself??

aww hunny :hug: i know it can be hard moving away from family when your pregant i moved at 38 weeks the other side of town from my parnets so i felt lonely too.

does your OH give you cuddles or attention to make you feel attractive????

Have you thought of writing your feelings down and maybe asking him to read it????

Or maybe go out for a night out just you too, talk have a nice meal and have a laugh and maybe get your worries out?

I don't know about anyone else but when i was 30+ weeks i didn't feel attractive what so ever, so i went out and i found a really nice top to put on, fair enough it didn't fit me for long but it worked i had a lovely bath put my new top on did my hair and makeup. it might just make you feel that bit better about yourself

HOpe it helps hunny :hug:
What about organising a nice "date" with your OH? Have a romantic meal or go to the movies or something?

Also, if your friends live a bit far away, why not organise a girls night in or an Ann Summers party or something so they all have to come to you?!

Are you going to Ante-Natal group yet? If not, sign up for one asap, you'll meet loads of local women in the same situaltion as you and their frinedship will be invaluable when you have the baby and need someone to talk to over a cuppa.

Hope you feel better soon

Thanks. I do get kisses & cuddles yeah. I sometimes think maybe he just doesn't know how to act cos he's never had a baby either and maybe he's a bit scared too.

I think the meal idea sounds great. I might try & get all dolled up for a change. I do get fed up wearing the same clothes (you know...the safe ones) lol

I'll be joining my anti-natal classess asap I'm at the midwife next week so will get some more info.

Thanks for the advice I'll let you know how it goes.

xx xoxox xx
I know how you feel.. and I WISH I was only half an hour from my family and friends, I moved from Sheffield to Scotland to be with my OH and my geographically closest friends are now about 5 hours drive from me. My parents are about 8 hours away.. and I haven't been here long enough to have local friends I feel I can count on.

Get a cheap talk plan on your phone, see if you can get one with free evening and weekend calls to the numbers you use most - I find this a HUGE comfort. It's not the same as real hugs but it really does help, believe me..


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