Don't feel too good...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Ugh Im starting to feel a bit rough, I feel so nauseous and it feels like someone is trying to pull my insides out like periody type discomfrt (sorry doesnt sound nice).

Also does anyone else feel like everything is being pushed out on its own? Ie kinda like when you go to the loo and push kinda thing

Anyone else?? im hoping my sickness doesnt return, I handle pain ok, but that I just couldnt take!!!
:hug: :hug: :hug:

FWIW the only time I felt really sick in third tri was just before I went into labour... hold out a few more days though! :wink: xx
:hug: :hug: :hug: sorry you not feelin too good honey - i guess tis just everything gearing up for the off but i can relate to what you say bout when ya sat on the loo.. TMI time lol went to the loo last thing last night and although i had stopped weeing it was like i still needed to keep it all relaxed down there - it passed in about a minute - am thinkin it might've been a branston pickle lol :) xxxx
Ikky sicky has returned to me too and it horrid! Have pamper day even if it is just lounging around the house, Ive been doing this for the last 3 days and I think I could get used to it :D
Hope you feel better soon :hug:

I've been alternating between really tired days and feeling rough days for the last week or so!

Oooh btw my midwife told me that the period pains I've been having are Braxtons :D
Sounds like your little one is starting to make an entrance to me!!! :cheer:
Good Luck....Hope he doesn't make you wait to long.
No i doubt it knowing my luck i'll be really late :shakehead: lol

Had a lush sleep thouigh, do you ladies think its ok to keep sleeping? its like i cant stop now!!

Definitely sleep if you're tired, you'll need it when baby is here. Sounds like things are starting for you.
Sleep, Sleep and more Sleep :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
As Hazel said you wont get much when he does arrive! :)
Jollypops said:
Sleep, Sleep and more Sleep :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
As Hazel said you wont get much when he does arrive! :)

Thanks hon, and wow check out little Callum hes gorg!!!

Steelgoddess said:
Had a lush sleep thouigh, do you ladies think its ok to keep sleeping? its like i cant stop now!!

Enjoy it and get as much as you can! Whenever you feel tired, get comfy and shut those eyes! I wish I'd gotten more sleep before Aimee arrived.
i cant bleeding sleep now, just ghd'ed my hair. wanted to paint my nils too but the n polish is in bedroom where oh is asleep dammit!!

Try to rest as much as you can, hun. Hope lil one comes soon for ya :hug: :hug: :hug:

OMG :( I got all excited then seeing that you posted so early in the morning i thought something had started
Looks like you might have had all your sleep and now your bodys getting ready for the night feeds!!! :)
(If that was me i would have got my nail vanish too! :) )
fEELING SO SO TODAY, I THINKITS FROM WHERE HE MIGHT HAVE MOVED DOWN A BIT MORE, oops caps, my throat feels a bit sore now...

Baby can't come jus yet his nursery isnt ready lmao!!


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