Don’t understand what’s going on :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2014
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I not sure anyone else will have a clue either but any thoughts to what might be going on or what I should do?

I’m currently CD22 and now on my 8th day of flashing smileys on cb digi opks. I started testing from cd10 and often get peak anywhere from cd13-15. I’ve tried a cheapie opk today and the line looks like it’s almost positive but then that doesn’t really mean anything I know.

When I went to the loo and I had a smallish amount of pinky blood when I wiped. Haven’t dtd since Saturday so I wouldn’t think it’s from dtd.

I just don’t understand what’s going on. If my body failed to ovulate could I really get AF this early?

Is it worth asking a doctor? I had a while a few years back where I kept getting abnormal smears and eventually I had to have lletz treatment for cin3 so a part of me always has this slight worry it will come back when something seems a little bit off.
Hey!! Not sure about having 8 days of flashy smiley. My ovulation window is pretty short I usually go from almost positive on strips and a blank circle on digital to a solid smiley and blazing on strips in one day usually cd 12 every month (been tracking and trying and temping 2 years) so I never see the flashy at all but I do slightly spot when my egg releases, so that may be a sign test again around noon and see if you’re at peak!
I usually get maybe 3 or 4 flashing smileys so this is a complete first and confusing.

The cheapie strip opk I did just before lunch was not positive just dark. So I’m going to test one more time tomorrow then just leave it alone.

Having more pinky blood when I wipe but nothing on a pad so not really sure what thats about.

Ugh wish I knew what was going on. Feeling sick too but it might just be cause Ive been worrying.
I think u should test again today honestly. From my experience I get my positive more in the afternoon not morning. That’s why I test 4-5 times a day when I’m around ovulation so I don’t miss the first positive.
I think u should test again today honestly. From my experience I get my positive more in the afternoon not morning. That’s why I test 4-5 times a day when I’m around ovulation so I don’t miss the first positive.

I can try another cheapie opk I guess. It doesn’t hurt to.
The pink is now bright red? :(

I’m not actually flowing/bleeding its just there when I wipe and I don’t understand what’s going on

Is it going to just be AF.. It shouldn’t be happening at cd22 surely???

I know no one can really give me any answer, just so confused right now :(
Hmmmm that is a lil different I usually only get a dot or two during Ovulation.. that’s usually my last indicator. How long are you’re cycles normally? Have u ever gotten af on cd22? My cycles are 26-28 days.
Over the last few years 26 days is the shortest cycle I had. But it’s mostly been anything over 28 in the last year?

I’ve had ovulation bleeding once or twice and yes this is nothing like that.

Maybe just an odd cycle. I’ll find out in the morning possibly. I’ll just have to try and forget about it and relax. Not very easy :(

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