Does'nt everyone (positive post)


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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just love those quiet moments when you realise what a fab life you really have.

I ve just been watching my children play together and Stephen despite being Autistic is so patiant with his baby sister andv she sat there like a proper little lady waiting for her turn to play.

I have a nice comfy house and enough money in the bank not to stress too much!

And my gorgeous husband who i hope to spend my life with. And have more children with.

And even better i am loosing weight quickly and feeling happier and more positive in years!
Awwww...I just had an urge to give you a massive hug and say 'well done' lol...(Plus you nearly made a tear come to my eye...)

You sound really happy, yay, enjoy it :D
Aw what a feelgood post :D Glad you are so happy babes :hug: :hug:
Aww what a lovely post.

I hope to be able to say the same soon too.

:hug: :hug:
Awww :D what a lovely post

Most people have so much good in their lives, it just takes you to stop and really think :D
aww what a nice post. I know how you feel.. I feel very lucky to have the people around me that I do. I am not rich, I am not stick thin nor beautiful but I wouldn't exchange any of it for the happiness I get from OH and Jack and the rest of my family. :hug:
aww. I was just thiking this. I have just got back from baby cafe where I have met up with my friends and had a great laugh. Come home and OH has finished early, he bought Cally a skeleton costume from tesco and was excited about putting it on her, and now her and Seren are laughing at eachother and giving kisses. OH has also just arranged for his mum to come over on Thurs night and babysit so we and some mates can go to Alton Towers Halloween, and that is after I have had my mate and her kids round to carve pumpkins and make chocolate apples. We worry about money and I have had some tough days lately but I have fab friends and an amazing family. Am a lucky girl me!!
yay! :cheer: i am happy too :cheer: the only sucky thing in my life is having no money! if one thing has gotta be sucky at least its only money! i am lucky that its my only "worry"! yay for happiness! :cheer: :dance: :D
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Paris is the same with harrison, the bond they have is awesome. She shows him love just no one else :shakehead:
beanie said:
aww. I was just thiking this. I have just got back from baby cafe where I have met up with my friends and had a great laugh. Come home and OH has finished early, he bought Cally a skeleton costume from tesco and was excited about putting it on her, and now her and Seren are laughing at eachother and giving kisses. OH has also just arranged for his mum to come over on Thurs night and babysit so we and some mates can go to Alton Towers Halloween, and that is after I have had my mate and her kids round to carve pumpkins and make chocolate apples. We worry about money and I have had some tough days lately but I have fab friends and an amazing family. Am a lucky girl me!!

Those are my sentiments exactly... We may have had issues recently (family problems, health, money (who doesn't atm :lol: ))... but we are strong and united. My mum struggled for years to have babies and I am so lucky to have two... :) My husband is the most wonderful husband you could ever hope for and we have the most amazing friendship. And we have done it all on our own...

My parents struggled all their lives but I was never ever loved more by anyone other than my girls and OH... so as long as you have your family and babies with you... you can fight any battle. :)
Babylicious said:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Paris is the same with harrison, the bond they have is awesome. She shows him love just no one else :shakehead:

Aww, I have the same with Sam and George. Sam idolises George more than Mummy and Daddy I think sometimes. I love seeing sam's face light up when George comes in from school though.
oh what a lovely thread.i know what you mean.i look at kiara and caden playing sometimes and still cant believe theyre mine.they are just so gorgeous,healthy and happy and i couldnt imagine being without either of them.i whinge sometimes we all do but at the end of the day i wouldnt change a thing.we dont have much money but what we lack in money and material things we make up for in love and each other.

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