Does she always know when I'm going out?


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2005
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Lily is normally really good and happy and would rather be on the floor moving about then giving me a cuddle.

But everytime I've planned a night out, she gets really grumpy all day and wants me to hold her alot and then when I go to get ready all I can hear most of the time is lily screaming downstairs and Neil has no idea how to calm her down.

and well guess what I'm going out tonight and she has been a grump most of the day, wouldn't settle for her naps, doesn't want to crawl and play with her toys just wants me to give her my all attention nonstop (can't even get 5 mins to wash the pots or do a bit of tidying) just got 5 mins now (until she finishs her rice cake) to come on here and have a moan. :?

are u up tite about going out n leaving her she could sence that and be trying to comfort u
you have a physcic baby!!! lol....are you showing her any signs that you are going out? anything obvious that you sually do when your going to go out? im really not sure :think:
I know what is like, Kaidens the exact same and hes 12 months now, maybe your baby feels u gettin excited about the night out and gets her upset, or if you thinks shes gonna get upset u might get a bit up tight on that day. I try and really relax the day i head out, dont do much around the house but play games, hes gettin alot better now. But i do honestly think the men play up as well LOL, as if the cant handle them alone, well in my case it is XKelX

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