does groundnut oil count as peanuts?


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2006
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This is a pretty banal question in amongst so many more important ones, but it would be really helpful if someone knew the answer...

I was doing some shopping for a particular recipe the other day which called for groundbut oil. I was about to put it in my basket, when it occurred to me to wonder whether groundnuts and peanuts are the same thing - are they? If so, I guess I'd better not use the oil?? :( (closest to puzzled smiley, I reckon)
Id use a subsitute if i was u
are u advoiding peanuts due to pregnancy? because you should avoid all nuts if thats the case just to be on safe side
Im allergic to nuts anyway so im not really missing out lol
I read that it only applies to peanuts and the like. Hazelnuts and almonds etc are fine apparently.
Thats what I thought too Flame if not eep i've been having whole nut choc and all sorts LOL
my MW told me to avoid all nuts :think:
She was a bit rubbish anyway, only a stand in while my proper MW was on holiday so maybe shes got it wrong
I was told you only have to avoid peanuts if you have a family history of allergies or asthma. All other nuts are okay. Could be wrong though? I have been eating nuts the whole way through.
I was told not to eat peanuts, since that's the most common nut allergy, but that all others were OK.

Any ideas on what groundnuts are? I went and had another look at the bottle in the supermarket - the picture on it looks suspiciously like a peanut to me...
Groundnut oil
An excellent all-rounder with the advantage of having no marked flavour yet at the same time being quite luscious. It is perfect for making mayonnaise, with just a little olive oil added for flavour, and it’s an extremely useful oil for cooking – oriental dishes in particular, because with these the flavour of olive oil is alien and too strong. Warning: because groundnut oil is made from peanuts, people who suffer from any nut allergy should avoid it (and warn anyone cooking for them as well).
I was told the same as maybebaby, peanuts are ok as long as you don't have a family history of allergy, all other nuts are ok.
kirlykird said:
I was told the same as maybebaby, peanuts are ok as long as you don't have a family history of allergy, all other nuts are ok.
Yep, me too. In fact some books I've read recommend nuts as part of a nutritious well balanced pregnancy diet.
Thanks! Good to know.

I don't have any peanut allergies in my family, but I guess I'll carry on not eating them just in case.

We've all been told quite different things - I guess it goes to show that there's no one single 'right' way of doing things :? !

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