Does "Aye" mean "yes"???

Aye, I say it hehe its because I lived in Ireland for a bit. My OH is Irish and he always says it also I want to say wee instead of small all the time!

Down west country we have yarp, haha might just be be but thats my yes "yarrrp your right" and "purrrdy" instead of pretty when I was in Ireland that really confused people coz they couldn't say it. The woman I worked with used to call me Bambi because of how I would talk. And I'm forever getting told I talk too quiet but I really just think its my accent.
Ulster scots say wain, and bairn, and hame for home, and dinny, for dont, canny for cant...however im from a mixed, rural area so we speak so fast we just sound like this ----------------------------------------- and we say boy after everything.

" ammagoinferarideinpaddystrac'r boy!"
We say 'aye' too!! I always say "oh aye" rather than oh yes!?
And I say "nah" more than no!
"aye lass it does, you an't bairn wanna get yer sens up te'yorkshire, sample t'delights o' lingo!!" :D

i can switch my accent on and of depending who im talking to.x
Sorry Becs :oops:
its nothing to do with the Georide accent
its my inablitity to hit the correct keys in proper order. :roll:

Ahm not the best speller in the world either te me shame. Ah love the geordie accent it's a geet dialect

Can yee understand what im saying noo ? im using real geordie words. Ah miss speaking wi a geordie accent me family think its funny tha im sounding more an more southern. they laugh at me ladeda speech. URGH no!! gunna hev te brush up on me Northern vocabulary
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I'm a scots lass and say aye. It was probably one of the first words I ever learned. xxx
WAOUH!! I don't know why but i think there's something sexy about scottish accents!!!!! :D
We use "Aye" for yes or "Aye Aye" for hello. Wierd ass scottish that we are! :lol:
geordie lass said:
Sorry Becs :oops:
its nothing to do with the Georide accent
its my inablitity to hit the correct keys in proper order. :roll:

Ahm not the best speller in the world either te me shame. Ah love the geordie accent it's a geet dialect

Can yee understand what im saying noo ? im using real geordie words. Ah miss speaking wi a geordie accent me family think its funny tha im sounding more an more southern. they laugh at me ladeda speech. URGH no!! gunna hev te brush up on me Northern vocabulary
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


'ladeda speech' :rotfl:
debecca said:
Becs said:
geordie lass said:
muppetmummy said:
:rotfl: I was the same when I moved up here from the south west of england. There are so many new words I've come across, blether, bairn, quine, ned, wifey :lol:

I still can't follow the conversation when people are speaking in really strong doric accents. I just have to smile and look like a complete idiot!
It used to throw me when people said 'ya mind' instead of 'do you remember' :lol:

I often call a bin a bucket now, and pound coins 'singles', it rubs off on you after a while. Nae bother :lol:

Your right is rub of on you after a while
ive been down here to lond i refer to babies as well babies
and its Bairn to us Northerners i only say it when i'm up home

ah hate losing touch with my accent and dialect

sarah :wave:

I didn't understand a word of that :rotfl:

You wanna use the Alan Partridge quote when he's talking to the Geordie bloke with the strong accent:

"No, sorry Michael, that's just noise!" :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I LOVE Alan Partridge!!
i say it all the time.. im form lancashire - dont know if thats normal or not lol!!

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