does anyone think these could be pregnancy symptoms?


Oct 10, 2010
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right so here goes.. for just under 2 weeks now my breasts have been extremely sore! i ususally get sore breasts anyway during PMS bu not not as sore as they are now, they seem to be geting even more tender as the days go on. i have also been needing to go to the toilet for a wee way more often than i usually would, i can sometimes want to go to the toilet for a wee twice in every hour even if i have not had anything to drink, when i do go to the toilet my urine doesnt burn and it does not hurt and it isnt only a ittle trickle it is quite a big wee every time! Also about a week and a half ago i had a really thick clear clumpof jelly like discharge in my knickers (i know this may sound gross but you could pick it up and it would be just like a clump of jelly in your hand) sorri if TMI. i have had 1 or 2 headaches over the past 2 days, i have actually got a headache as i currently write this. i constantly feel fatigued and i am always yawning as tho i hav not slept for days (even though i get a good night sleep every night!) for he past couple of days i have been feeling generally unwell like m body is weak and tired and i also feel slightly nauceous when i feel like that, this usually comes more at night. I am only due on my period in 5 days so it is too early to do a test. do you think these are pregnacy symptoms or am i reading too much into it? any advice is much appreciated, thank you! xxx
I've been feeling exactly the same, apart from I don't think I wee a lot more or have lumps of jelly (LOL) and my boobs aren't too bad to be honest. I feel run down and energy-less, I yawn CONSTANTLY even though I go to bed 10.30pm most nights, sometimes a bit earlier! I have had headaches everyday for the past week and nausea.

As my ticker will tell you, it's apparently too early for me.

It could be early preg symptoms or incoming AF - I don't think you will know for sure without testing and I don't think it's wise to convince yourself you're preg (not saying you are but I know how symptoms can run away with you) but I did this last month and was heartbroken to be caught by AF.
i think it is sounding good for you. if your boobs are feeling more sore with each day i would say that's a good sign. i was pregnant a while back (had a miscarriage) and my boobs were sooooo sore! and got worse each day. good luck xx
My boobs were sore from the day I got a positive on my OPK last month. I normally get sore boobs about a week before AF so thought it was odd. I can go to the toilet twice in 15 minutes as well at the moment!!! These are really the only symptoms I have, but it is sounding good for you.
Fingers crossed. xxx
thanks girls and good luck to all! My boobs seem to not be as sore today which is strange, any ideas why this could be ? xxx
not sure babe, but fingers crossed for you. I had really sore boobs last month from ov as well as other 'symptoms' but unforunately nothing came of it :( must av just been my hormones. Hope its good for you tho xx

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