Does anyone else find this sick?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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I was admitted to hospital 2 days ago due to bleeding a gush of fluid and severe braxton hicks contractions, anyway whilst i was there a woman had came in with excessive fetal movement so she was monitored and at first her baby was excessively moving but then calmed down abit so was able to go home.. anyway as she was leaving the hospital she asked the midwife whether she would be able to sedate her baby because she was "doing her head in" moving all the time!

I was thinking whattttt why would you even want that?!

Anyway turns out I have cervical erosion, don't fully understand what it is but i was sent home so hopefully nothing to worry about
I would give anything for excessive movement right now, I've been in and out of hospital for the opposite! My baby's always been quite hyperactive, disco dancing, kickboxing, synchronised swimming, the whole lot. I miss all those movements and I'm so worried now.
You're right, it's awful to even dream of sedating your unborn baby. Glad you're ok xx
:shock: What????? As a Mum who spent many of her weeks lying on a hospital bed with a monitor attached because the little moo wouldn't kick, I would have killed for a hyperactive baby, I am going to absorb every tiny little kick of this one because I felt so few last time and it's another day where I don't have to be dragged in to hospital!

That woman needs to realise how lucky she is to have a happy and healthy LO who is bouncing around. I understand it can be hard, and it can hurt and disturb your sleep, but it's only going to get worse at the end :D
omg some peple would kill for the chance of excessive movement..

Glad all is ok with you x
What a dick head lol!

Hope you're ok and getting plenty of rest?! xx
I'm glad it isn't just me that finds this disgusting then, I was so shocked! I'd kill for a hyperactive baby!
omg !!! what a stupid women!!!grrrrrrrrrr
What an idiot!!! Having baby move means they're healthy! she should be pleased. Honestly!
It really makes me wonder why someone with such a strange and twisted wish would be blessed with a child in the first place , that poor child !! it's shocking isn't it .
Anyway glad your feeling alittle better now . All the best xx
I do wish at times that LO would go to sleep or gimme a 5min break, but never enough to want to sedate them!! Yeah being jabbed in the ribs isnt the most enjoyable experience but I'll survive, thats what babies do! What worries me is that if she's open to the idea of sedating her baby now before they're even born, what would she think was acceptable when the baby is here?! Giving LO a spliff to get them to sleep?? Who knows!! x
I do wish at times that LO would go to sleep or gimme a 5min break, but never enough to want to sedate them!! Yeah being jabbed in the ribs isnt the most enjoyable experience but I'll survive, thats what babies do! What worries me is that if she's open to the idea of sedating her baby now before they're even born, what would she think was acceptable when the baby is here?! Giving LO a spliff to get them to sleep?? Who knows!! x

I know. people are crazy!! poor little mite i'd love to take the baby off her xx
Oh my god, that's awful! I'm in + out of hospital for the opposite, I'll have her excessive movement! Haha xx
That's awful... I love every kick and wiggle. Even when they hurt they still put a smile on my face. My boyfriend often asks me what I'm laughing at, and I don't realise I'm doing it... People like that make me sick to the stomach... Don't understand them at all...
Anyway turns out I have cervical erosion, don't fully understand what it is but i was sent home so hopefully nothing to worry about

I got told i had cervical erosion when i was 16 and that i would never be able to carry a baby full term as my cervix just wouldnt hold or something... being 16 i wasnt listening much...

anyway... when i got pregnant i mentioned it to the midwife whilst having an internal and she said she couldnt see any evidence of it so it had probably healed on its own due to my hormones or something...

So it can heal! I found that i bled a lot which i didnt take much notice of.. obviously being pregnant id keep an eye on it but as far as ive been told cervical erosion is nothing to be worried about :) x
That's unbelievable. I can't imagine anyone not wanting that reassurance that their baby is ok and wriggling about.

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