Does anyone else feel this way?


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2007
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I don't watch much TV these days. Apart from American idol and maybe Deal or no deal (sad I know :lol: )

I feel that a lot of the programmes are either repeats or very similar to one another. And as for daytime TV... lol I won't even got there! I'd rather spend my time online now. :think:

am I the only one feeling this way?
Nope i agree telly is rubbish at the mo. I hardly watch anything. The tv is just background noise to me. At the mo just got a music channel on.

I enjoyed watching Greys Anatomy but of course the writers strike affected the filming so dont know when that will be on again. Same goes for CSI which i also enjoy watching.

All the channels seem to just show repeats of everything.

Finding the soaps rather boring at the moment too.
And at the moment OH has an obsession with time team :roll: I cant bloody stand it, so spend most my time on the net :lol:
The only programs I really watch are Coronation Street and Eastenders sometimes, but Torchwood, Ashes to Ashes, Time Team and interesting documentaries are what I would make the effort to watch.

I tend to read more at the moment :)
If i'm at home alone the TV stays off all day and I enjoy the silence or listen to music while I do other more interesting stuff (I'll be calling you for a natter kaz on sat if thats ok, talking of interesting stuff!)

OH is tv mad though and will watch anything, so im always trying to find something interesting to watch when he's at home so its best of both worlds......I only really enjoy Lost, hollyoaks, BB and x-factor/idol so its either that or a good film or docu :)

Totally agree tv is crap these days.....gawd knows how many channels and nothing on!!! We can easily waste half an hour just trying to find something to watch :rotfl:
Yep, I'll text you when I get back from mums Sat babe. Look forward to it :hug:

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