Does anybody else donate breastmilk?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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I got the call back today from the milk bank in Chester and they want me to donate milk!!
I have to be screen first, so they are sending me some blood sample bottles and a letter for my GP so that he can take some blood.

So there should be no reason why I would fail the screening, so hopefully soon I'll be donating breastmilk!!

I was so shocked though, the NHS does not pay for this. The Chester milk bank is a charity. They told me they have to pay 70 pounds for the blood screening, and they get charged for sending the blood samples etc to me. And they pay for return delivery too.

The woman did say that I would need to pump every day and they will give me bottles of either 100ml or 200ml and that the breastmilk that I can donate will be going to premature babies whose mum's are unable to produce milk.

I really couldn't believe that this is all just based on charity donations, so I'm thinking of maybe trying to raise some money somehow. If anyone has any idea's how to go about that then let me know :)
No idea but i would help you fundraise!

I donated for 5 months and it totalled over 400 ounces, i'm a milking machine LOL! My local hospital is Princess Anne in Southampton and they dont get any funding either, isn't it shocking!! Truly ridiculous!

Good for you consider yourself patted on the back, its a fab thing to do. Theres a thread on this page too as a sticky about donating!
Isn't it a great thing to do!

I'm going to see if I can get people involved at my dr's where I do the baby clinic, get posters up etc.
I really wanted to. But my nearest hospital was Cambridge, 50miles away, so they didn't collect. I did however agree to deliver. Had all my blood tests done etc. But i simply couldn't express. I struggled hugely with expressing so i couldn't do it. I'm gutted though.
I would happily have done so but there wasn't anywhere near me :(
Sherlock said:
I would happily have done so but there wasn't anywhere near me :(

Me too, I was gutted, had loads of excess milk and would have happily given it away.

Nearest place is nearly 80 miles away.

Valentine Xxx
I've been thinking about this too. I thought it was too far for me too, I didn't know Southampton Hosp' may take it though. I'd love to feel like I'm helping but it takes an age for me to get a little out, is there a minimum amount to be sent? I suppose prem' babies take so little that every bit helps?
dead proud of you for doing this mate :D charlie was a premmie and i really wish i'd had access to a milk bank when my breastmilk went so shitty and i gave up ... massive respect to all you ladies donating :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxx
I also wanted but in my area in London they don't do it either.

In Finland it's very common to 'donate' breastmilk. They actually pay quite a lot for milk in hospitals as they prefer giving premmies breastmilk than formula. They pay better for the first three months I think. When I got there and LO was four weeks they did tell me though that it would have been better if I had started at birth and as I wasn't in one town more than a few days I never bothered in the end :oops: :oops: :oops:
NickyB, i have the number for anita at the PA milk bank if you want it, she is lovely and will collect if you are near, there is no minimum just build your supply gradually, i donated between 6 and 11 ounces a day but this is much more than average, she was gobsmacked, every little helps as they say, anything is welcome!!! Let me know if you want details? Where abouts are you?
I would have loved to do this but my nearest milk bank is Cambridge - they don't collect and I can't drive so couldn't deliver. I guess if there's no funding they can't afford to collect this far away. Bit gutted really. It's such a shame that there are so many of us willing to donate who can't when there are so many babies who need the milk.
I don't know how much I'll be able to express for them, but I will aim to fill one of their 100ml bottles every day. How much is that in ounces?
100 ml doesn't sound much lol
100 ml is about 3.5 oz. I asked about donating, but the closest would be 35 miles so it's not really feasible
I donated milk :) Cally was 4 months when I started and they only accepted it up till she was 6 months old but I managed to donate over 84 ozs of milk :cheer:

NickyB said:
I've been thinking about this too. I thought it was too far for me too, I didn't know Southampton Hosp' may take it though. I'd love to feel like I'm helping but it takes an age for me to get a little out, is there a minimum amount to be sent? I suppose prem' babies take so little that every bit helps?

You would need to talk to your local milk bank. I know birmingham have a minimum of 20 bottles (each holds 4 oz) due to the cost involved in testing your blood etc.
As i mentioned before Southampton Milk bank doesnt have a miniumum amount, 100ml a day is a very valid contribution! Put it this way: When i wanted to express Anita told me that some of the tiny preemies take as little as 4mls of milk an hour. 100ml would be days worth of milk for them, they are so tiny every little drop is like gold dust, they always called it liquid gold when they talked about it!

Dont be put off by the amounts, they drop off the bottles and then collect when YOU phone them, they do not phone and hassel,they do not set minimums and they certainly are very grateful for any amount. Go for it!

Are you near PA? We might live really close to each other?
As i mentioned before Southampton Milk bank doesnt have a miniumum amount, 100ml a day is a very valid contribution! Put it this way: When i wanted to express Anita told me that some of the tiny preemies take as little as 4mls of milk an hour. 100ml would be days worth of milk for them, they are so tiny every little drop is like gold dust, they always called it liquid gold when they talked about it!

Dont be put off by the amounts, they drop off the bottles and then collect when YOU phone them, they do not phone and hassel,they do not set minimums and they certainly are very grateful for any amount. Go for it!

Are you near PA? We might live really close to each other?
As i mentioned before Southampton Milk bank doesnt have a miniumum amount, 100ml a day is a very valid contribution! Put it this way: When i wanted to express Anita told me that some of the tiny preemies take as little as 4mls of milk an hour. 100ml would be days worth of milk for them, they are so tiny every little drop is like gold dust, they always called it liquid gold when they talked about it!

Dont be put off by the amounts, they drop off the bottles and then collect when YOU phone them, they do not phone and hassel,they do not set minimums and they certainly are very grateful for any amount. Go for it!

Are you near PA? We might live really close to each other?

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