Does any one know?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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If ,, God forbid. something wrong happens to the it dies and in these cases its difficult to tell unless u have a scan or notice it not moving.
any way my question is if something wrong happened to the baby does it show on home pregnancy tests that ur still pregnant? or the line just fades? :roll:
I think it takes quite a while for the HCG levels to go down, so a pregnancy test is still positive for ages, even if the worst happens.

I had a missed miscarriage at 12 weeks - baby had died at 9 1/2 weeks. About 3 weeks after I physically lost the baby I was feeling really sick and thought maybe I was pregnant again - did a test and it was positive.

I wasn't pregnant again - it was just the hormone levels were still high enough for a dark line on a home pregnancy test.

If your really worried that somethings wrong most MW will be happy to listen in for heartbeat to reassure you - i've a friend who turned up at hospital at around 18 weeks - she was just worried as had been so long since last scan and didn't have any symptoms, but all was ok.
At 23 weeks you should be feeling movement soon, if not already, so that in itself should reassure you that LO is doing ok in there. Mine hasn't stopped kicking and wriggling since about 22 weeks. I don't worry about scans or doppler telling me s/he is ok, because I can feel things :)

I'd think you would notice if LO was quiet for too long so could go get it checked out either with a Doppler by your MW or if it was thought nessecary, a scan. Its not unusual for baby to rest a bit though. Sometimes I didn't feel mine for a fair few hours but then would notice movement.

Baby's go through quiet stages each day, so its not a panic if you don't feel anything much for a few hours. At around this time also the growth spurt kicks in, so they do tend to rest a while, then become active.

With regards to the PG tests, I'd personally not use one at so many weeks along as you are now as I'd be feeling LO and would rely on that. I think too many tests and so on can begin to have a negative effect and take over things. If there is something that concerns you, of course get it checked out, but if not just try to relax and enjoy things and feeling your LO inside wriggling.

hun i think u would know as u wouldnt be able to feel baby but try not to think about those things hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

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