Doctors.. *Update ive been*


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2008
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Ok, so i'm registered at the Doctors in my home in South Wales, and i'm at uni in Leicester until 5th June when my exams etc are finished... Should i go to the Docs here before i go home? Can i register as a temporary patient? I'm totally clueless on what to do, and what will the doctors do? i hope they dont take my blood :( ouchies...
Are you going to be returning to Leicester while you're still pregnant, or are you staying in Wales until after you've had the baby? If you're going back to Leicester you need to be registered there in case you need to see a midwife/doc in a hurry.

As you're early on there's no harm in waiting a couple of weeks before you see the doctor, so you if you're staying in Wales to have the baby I'd just wait & see the doctor there. If you're at all unsure maybe call the surgery & ask to speak to your usual GP - s/he should be able to let you know what's best.

Most doctor's don't actually do anything except refer you to the midwife and work out an EDD. It's the midwife who does the important stuff like taking blood and booking you in, usually at around 8-10 weeks.

Hope that helps. (And good luck with the exams!)
If all goes to plan i hope to come back to Leics in October and complete my third year, but i'll probably try and give birth in Wales (coz i want him/her to be Welsh like me :)).

Can i be registered at two different Doctors? or will they not allow that? because im going to be in Wales from June 5th til end of September, but then in Leics from October until the following May, only returning back to Wales for weekends and probably to give birth.

Ah its all sooo confusing!
hello again:D

You can register with the uni drs as a student (it's on Welford Rd opposite Cannons) and then your dr at home can still see you as well. That's what i used to do. As you'll be in Leicester for most of your pregnancy your antenatal care will probably be provided there. But Wales will need to know as well as you will probably hit 12 weeks (scan time!) whilst you are there! As far as I am aware, you can chop and change your antenatal providers as much as you like (my dr mentioned this to me) because you keep your own notes re: the pregnancy. That means that you can just let Wales know when you are back there for the birth, I should think. If I were you, go to the dr in Leics first and tell them what you plan to do - remember they are drs for students so used to you not being there over the summer.
Thanks Millie :D Yeah im gonna go to the Docs tomorrow, and then see what they say there.. yeah i will be hitting the 12 week point at home, if my dates are right, but because iw as on the pill i am pretty damn clueless!!
Ok i went to the doctors in leicester this morning.. basically i told him all the stupid tablets i took, like the pill and the pain killers and the hay fever tablets etc and he was like "2% of every prgnnacy risks abnormality anyway" so i dunno whether to feel better about that or not?
Umm they also gave me this massive envelope with a maternity booklet (notes i think) and an emmas diary, and a little Hipp Organic book with these funky little stickers to keep me amaused... they gave me a wee tube as well to take to the midwife with me..
Oh and good news - im getting an early scan!! they want to see how far along i am, so theyre gonna scan me :lol: and the midwife is meant to ring me this week..
:hug: Good luck hun :cheer:

Let us know when you have your scan
Hey thats great about the early scan!! :D
You know fullily I was just sticking stickers into my little Hipp booklet lol! :lol:
lea m said:
Hey thats great about the early scan!! :D
You know fullily I was just sticking stickers into my little Hipp booklet lol! :lol:

it so entertaining!! i can only really stick one or two in though at the mo!
Stickers what stickers I want some lmao :rotfl:

Dont see midwife till 30th so will have to wait for mine boohoo!!

Glad you getting sorted hun xxxx
Karly1824 said:
Stickers what stickers I want some lmao :rotfl:

Dont see midwife till 30th so will have to wait for mine boohoo!!

Glad you getting sorted hun xxxx

i got them from the doctor actually, with quite a few other things too!

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