doctors today and..........


Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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right over the weekend my mum told me how she had Preeclampsia with me and high blood pressure, but i completely forgot to tell the doctor today :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

more to the point why didn't my mum tell me earlier :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

is it a bad thing that i didn't tell my doctor?? should i wait to have my next app with my midwife next month??

i've read about it and i have none of the symptoms, but eve so

why do i forget just the simple thing :roll:

I dont know much about this , is it suppost to run in the family?
I would think it would be the only reason to metion anything :think: but im not too sure.
not sure if it is hereditry?! but if you are OK and not showing any signs, I guess it should be OK????
try calling them and telling them u forgot, see what they say?
yeh i shall give them a ring tomorrow...

oh gosh why didn't i just remeber

hope it's nothing to worry about :hug:
so long as you have no symptoms of pre eclamsia I wouldn't worry. I am assuming they checked your BP today.
cloud9 said:
so long as you have no symptoms of pre eclamsia I wouldn't worry. I am assuming they checked your BP today.

yeh he did... it was fine... i suppose that's a big indication... isn't it
The high blood pressure can be hereditary, my Mum suffers now and is on medication and I have it now too and have had a touch of it over the years but as long as they keep an eye on your BP and you have no signs there's nothing to say you'll get it too.
your doc/mw will be checking for symptoms regardless of your family history so im sure they would have picked up on it if there was anything there
:hug: neeko, some women don't know their family history and so don't worry about not telling your GP or MW. You haven't had any symptons so you are just fine, don't worry un-necessarily, if anything changes you will know about, just feel happy you are well and healthy now, that's what matters most :hug: and just let your GP or MW know, so then that's done and leave them to worry about that :)

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