docs today


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Well went and broke the news to my GP today, after going in on what turned out to be Ovulation day and ranting that a new cyst must be forming I had to go in with my tail between my legs to declare that it was ovulation after all :lol: but he was really pleased for me.

He asked how I was feeling and calculated my due date from my last period, so in his opinion I'm nearly 6 weeks gone and due on 18 December, but I know different from my ovulation, but he said they'd amend the dates on my scans. He also advised me re not smoking/drinking and eating healthily- doing that already anyway.

I told him that I had an early scan which he was pleased with after the m/c, and I had some form filling to do which included choosing a consultant, so of course I chose my current one.

So I now have my booking in appointment with the midwife on 18 May :love:
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That all sounds really positive!!
Looks like it's all systems go :)
That's brilliant news :)
He sounds really nice too! Glad it's all going well for you hun xxx
Ahh thats fantastic, really great news :) really pleased for you.

I hope my app goes as well as that next week!! xx
It's only 26 days away that ;), it'll fly over! Your GP sounds really nice, and best of luck for the scan :D
:cheer: hope time flies and your midwife appointment comes round soon xxx
Yay!! Well done mr GP!! Really pleased u r getting in early :) xx
congrats princess olny just caught up on everything xx
:yay: great news hunny, not long till you see the midwife :) x x


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