Docs appointment - I despair !

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Sorry girls - just havign a rant -

Well after the midwife telling me that no bloods are taken at booking in appointment that I had at 10 weeks, (despite me mentioning that I had them taken at my prev booking in in feb for my MC baby, and all prev kids!), she ignored me, so I had to go with it. the hosp has since said I should def have had them done, (which I knew). all fine but i thought I was low in iron (had transfusions in march following MC, not that anyone has asked!) and know I have antibodies, and want to keep an eye on levels, as last 2x baby had a few issues with them.

I then finally got my first bloods taken at 17 weeks,when i mentioned antibodies, and she agreed they should have been taken! and they said ring back a week later, which I did - she said all normall, even tho Iron HB levels were below the normal range they read out (only slightly),so ok, and some misc anitbodies were detected, but seems pointless as they didn't check what type, level / titre they were!

So she said docs had seen the results and all fine, so I left it at that

Then I got a letter last night to say I need to make an appontment for GP to dicuss my blood results! have that appointment in a weeks time, and will be 20 weeks by then, which should all have been done and dicussed if needed at 10 weeks!

My next midwifes is not till 28 weeks! very minimal care to last time, cut backs i guess!

I give up...the NHS system is sooo pants (sorry to rant) Good job I'm not a first time mum!
I might as well , check myself over,deliver my own baby, and skip the nhs!
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Jj that is so annoying! I thought all bloods were done at 10 weeks and then again at 29 weeks (our hospital actually has a walk in where you go get blood tests done lol), that sounds really unorganised to me! So annoying! Good thing your not paniking about it eh! Bloody hell, good luck with doc appointment x
I agree that the standard of care has def dropped since I had my 1st baby...12 years ago,kinda glad that this is my last! Xx
bloody hell tahts awful!! i had a lot less appts this time but it was cos it was my 2nd baby! hope they pull their fingers out soon hun xx
How frsutrating, especially considering you told them it needed doing!!

I reckon it may be cut backs that's happening, cos I thought that the midwife appointments were supposed to get closer and closer, but at my last (2nd) one, she said thtat they are changing the weeks at which they see you, and now my next isn't for ages. The last one was 11th August and the next is 20th October.

She was really nice, and my doctors are great, but I do feel a little left on my own. I still have a month to wait for my next scan, and I'm just as worried about baby being ok as I was before the 12 week scan, cos I haven't felt any kicking yet.

Grr, arg!
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Oh dear..can u change ur hospital..I have heard similar things about some hospitals but others r nice..
Jenni, your a first time mum , so in my area you would get a 24 week checkup , which I miss as have had a baby already, my next appointment is at 28 weeks on 14th oct , so same as you! I can't believe they will leave you on your own till then...

What I don't understand is, they should check baby out at least every 4 weeks, just because you have had kids already, doesn't make you Physic and give you the ablilty to look through a see through tum to check all is ok, every pregnancy can be sooo different, and it seems on here that some of the mums who are on theresecond, and/or last babys seem to have different or more probs than they did on the first.

there I go again! sorry
Sometimes the doctors do make you wonder they are rubbish xx
ours is the same havent seen midwife since 15 weeks along and wont see her till im 25 weeks and i felt a little left out on my own until my 20 week scan xx
I saw my midwife at 17 weeks and don't see her untill 28 weeks and this is my first :( I would feel really on my own if it wasn't for my brilliant OH and you girls :)

so wierd isnt it! i get to see mine at 18 weeks, 24 weeks, 30, 34, 36,37,38,39,40! thats my appointments for the rest of the year basically! its my first so im guessing that is routine?? sooo much! i also have to get bloods done again at 29 weeks off my own back x
That's awful hun!!

My midwifes on holiday for the next three weeks, so is next seeing me mid-September. But because I had OC with Jacob and baby is measuring above average she booked me in to see a consultant at the hospital!
I never had bloods taken when i went to see midwife but my sister did with her children, I honestly feel like i'm lost in it all as i haven't even been given my bounty information or vouchers yet they didn't have any when i went to see her got nothing b ut a couple of leaflets it was a tad annoying and disapointing x
I never had bloods taken when i went to see midwife but my sister did with her children, I honestly feel like i'm lost in it all as i haven't even been given my bounty information or vouchers yet they didn't have any when i went to see her got nothing b ut a couple of leaflets it was a tad annoying and disapointing x

Ooh what a shame, make sure you ask for them next time as there are lots of vouchers and info in them. And make sure you get a form for free prescriptions exemption just incase she didn't give you that either .
i'm on job seekers so that isn't a defo thing for me but i have ticked the maturnity box for perscriptions etc lol they never check up for years anyways. got book my midwife 16 week one soon i'm defo going demand all my shit hehe x

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