think you spoil your kids?.....and do you think its wrong?
the reason I ask is cos the other day when kiara had friends over they said omg!kiaras got so many MIL says i spoil em rotten and a friend who i havent seen since caden was born phoned me earlier and in the conversation said that my kids had everything,loads and loads of toys and far too many to justify it they dont get everything they want and Im very honest and if i cant afford it I say to kiara I cant and each month when the family allowance rolls in I buy nappies n milk but the rest goes on toys n clothes.It is true we do have nothing while the kids get everything but is that wrong?????just wondered what everyone else thought out of interest.
the reason I ask is cos the other day when kiara had friends over they said omg!kiaras got so many MIL says i spoil em rotten and a friend who i havent seen since caden was born phoned me earlier and in the conversation said that my kids had everything,loads and loads of toys and far too many to justify it they dont get everything they want and Im very honest and if i cant afford it I say to kiara I cant and each month when the family allowance rolls in I buy nappies n milk but the rest goes on toys n clothes.It is true we do have nothing while the kids get everything but is that wrong?????just wondered what everyone else thought out of interest.