do you think

I hated my first pregnancy as I had loads of problems and did not like my changing shape and becoming public property! However I'm 8 years older this time round and a bit more chilled out than I used to be. I still don't like being prodded by strangers and comments about being "big for dates, small for dates oooh aren't you big"etc" are annoying but it's nice that people are interested! My first child is nearly 8 and she was not planned although she is the best thing that ever happened to my man and me but we tried to pregnant this time so maybe that's why I'm more relaxed!
I think the first tri dragged as I found out very early , the second one flew and I'll let you know with the third when I'm further down the road!!!
Robyn_ said:
your pregnancy has gone fast/ slow.

was it what you expected?

have you enojyed it??

just wondered..

in a way my pregnancy has gone fast but slow at the same time. looking back its gone fast but its slow right now..
it was a little diff from what i expected. tbh. but i love it all and i enjoy it so much even if he gives me pain

Parts have gone fast and parts have gone slow. When I think back to 1st tri and how much I couldn't wait for my first scan to make sure everything was ok, and after my 2nd scan I was like, ok what do I do for the next 20 weeks then.. and the last month at work just draggggged having to commute there and back when I was knackered... but looking back on the whole pregnancy, I can't believe it's July already... when I look at it that way it seems to have gone so quickly.

I suppose I expected things to have been a bit more, I dunno, hormonal.. even though I've been hormonal and not known it.. I expected to feel more like a mom, I expected to miss my nights out drinking and going to gigs (I used to organise charity fundraiser gigs once a month!!!) but I don't, I thought I'd have to go to hospital more often I don't know why.. it's all been quite uneventful really! And I expected the bump growth to be more noticeable more quickly..!

Can't say I've enjoyed it or not really, I've enjoyed coming on here and either 1. seeing what's to come, and seeing everyone's lovely little new arrivals, or 2. going into 1st tri threads and helping out with morning sickness cures! It's just been pretty normal really, other than not fitting my clothes anymore which is so strange for me as I was a size 8 before who could eat anything I wanted without putting weight on, and I never have to think about what size clothes to buy as it's always the same!! It's nice to have a reason to go into baby shops, and looking at little baby clothes and toys.. I wasn't really the maternal type before, but I love it now :)
mrs_tommo22 said:
Are you scrarec though vicky, or just sp excited to know that you could meet LO within a week and be amum?

Woo mrstommo22 who I think is called Sarah.. I'm like only a day ahead of you!! :)
Oh Piglet you made me laugh so much had to read what you wrote out to my family. So honest you are! It made everyone smirk because you sounded just like me on a good day. I feel exactly the same as you - I can't bear it. Feel like a walking incubator and all anyone talks about to me is the pregnancy - as if I no longer have the capacity to have a conversation about anything else inelligent. Ths sickness was dreadful, the big lump bump in the way and I am sick of getting kicked so hard and so often I nearly fall out of bed, the molestations by the doctor, the aching boobs, the SPD, heartburn, constipation, tiredness, the heat!!!!!!! the anxiety - No earth mother me and never have been - although I am on number 2 it has taken me 9 years to do it again - think I must have forgotten how awful it all was. When my first was born in 1998 I had such a terrible time of it all I sent my husband for a vasectomy straight away which he dutifully had. (made him have it reversed again last may :rotfl: ) He is sick of me moaning and has told me that I am not to have another - I have to agree with him - off to the vasectomy clinic again for him I said - too right said he! Bless you - your baby will be your most precious treasure though - my little girl is so special - I love children but blinking well hate what you have to go through to get them. Isn't life a terrible thing? - thank god! :(
yea first trime went slow but second went fast and i dunno where third trimes gone :lol:
I went for a 36 week scan yesterday and was sitting in the waiting room thinking about how much time we spent there in tri 1 and how completely terrified we were, I was so poorly... Both OH and me started to well up as we never thought we would get this far. Tri 1 seems like another life time ago, it has been a real rollercoaster!

I agree that I miss my identity, no one is able to talk to me about me anymore it is always about being pregnant and having a baby. But generally I have never been happier and am so proud to be pregnant, I will really miss my bump (I think).

But if I really think about it, to be honest I still find it a bit surreal and find it hard to imagine I will have a baby, probably in the next 4 weeks.... not sure when it will actually sink in!
topbird said:
But if I really think about it, to be honest I still find it a bit surreal and find it hard to imagine I will have a baby, probably in the next 4 weeks.... not sure when it will actually sink in!

Me too... if I have a braxton hicks or any sort of low down sort of pain etc I just brick it and think OMG don't know if I'm ready for this labour malarky... dread to think what I'll be like when it happens!!
I know michelle! I cant believe your a day ahead of me! It will be fun to see in 6 weeks who pops their baby first!

Im hoping its me as ive made a promise to princess_H to have my baby on her birthday on august the 10th.
Might not be difficult as last baby was a few days early!

I also love reading my bounty book cover to cover and really enjoyed reading 'Emma's Diary'.

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