Do you know what your having?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2006
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Just thought Id see how many of us knew what sex we were having?

Also Im interested to see who is all out front, all round,what people have been craving and whether it relates to the sex their having?

Be fun to see!
I'm having a girl, my bump is quite round in the front but starts from under my boobs. I've also gained on my huge arse but try and keep it covered. My cravings are for sweets and oranges so typical girlie cravings but I also like chilli with everything, even if I have a tuna sandwich I have to have lots of jalapenos (not good for indigestion!)
well my 'flump' looks like protruding fat :shock:

i dont think i wanna find out. i like the idea of surprises and phoning family back home telling that 'i had a girl/boy' rather than 'ive had the baby'

but im dying to know tho..

roll on december :dance:
I don't know what sex LO is, and decided not to find out either. I think i've put on weight all round, but my bump is only on the bottom of my tummy really. I've been craving everything, but mostly proper sweets like lollies, love hearts and especially parma violets mmmmm.
We didn't find out, want it all to be a big suprise. I'm all front (i think) but to be honest i know this sounds stupid but i can't really tell. i've got fatter round the sides but not too much.
Ive been told they think it a girl, but they cant be sure. She said she couldnt see any boy parts during the scan :cheer:

Craving toffee pop corn, frizzy strawberry laces, orange squash, candy floss Mmmm.... basicly junk, junk and more junk lol

Dont know what shape my bump is, it doesnt seem to be very round... just put some pics up in 'tummy pics' thread :D
I think you will have a girl Vicki, craving all that sweet stuff!!

And Violet, you are defo having a girl your bump pic was the girliest bump pic ever!!
im having a girl!

and im always craving anything orange or white chocolate yummy
Eveyone keeps telling me I am having a boy, I am quite neat low bump but round at sides...have a big bum and thighs anyway so look bottom heavy really

Craving sweeties though-fizzy sweets that make our eyes water, and fizzy orange fanta which makes me think girl???

My sis has a defo girl bump tho-starts uner her boobies and is really high and gorgeous...I have bump envy!!!!!

I am convinced I am having a boy, I just have a really strong feeling xxxx
Oh Hev, I would secretly love a little girl :pray: but a little boy who was a mini me of my OH would be fantastic too!!!
I always thought it was a cliche when I heard pregnant women saying "I dont care what it is as long as its healthy" but by golly its so true!!!
I know the first thing I will ask when its born is "Is it ok!!??" rather than "Is it a boy or a girl!!??"
awww bless you! are you going to try and find out what your having?
No, I think I would like a surprise.....having a 4d scan tho and OH has said he wants to see the whole baby on that scan the so if we see its bits, then that will be ok.

I have moments where I want to know, and then I think I am nearly half way there and I can wait to find out.....I was always a kid who opened xmas prezzies early for a peep and sellotaped them back up on christmas eve!!! :lol:

I keep calling baby HE though, I hate calling "it" IT!!! xxxxxxxx
I think its a surprise whenever you find out. I was convinced I was having a boy but was told a girl at my scan! If I'd had waited until the birth I would have bought everything nuetral but bordering on the boyish. Now if she turns out to be a boy he will his spending her first year as a transvestite in lots of pink and faux fur :lol:
I'm totally convinced I'm having a boy. Haven't really had much sickness, not been craving anything sweet - rice krispies have been the main thing, but had to cut that back as all the milk I was guzzling was giving my lactose intolerance and I was getting constant diarrhea (TMI sorry).

Bump - what there is of it - is low (belly button downwards) and like a little football. Also my friends say I'm so bossy that I'll definitely have a boy!!!! Charming.

I'd really like a little boy, and OH is getting worried now that I'm so convinced it's a boy that if turns out to be a girl I'll be disappointed.

Of course I wont' - as long as everything is OK. 20 week scan on the 12th September - we've decided if they say they can see it we'll find out - if baby decides to cross it's legs then it's fate and I'll have to wait.

Know what you mean about the neutral stuff though!!!!!
Have you posted a bump pic Shaz? I love to guess!
im convinced my LO is a girl :)

as is all my family, who have buoght wardrobes of pink stuff...

i crave crap like orange fanta, pure orange, orange ice lollies etc, loving fizzy sweets, the fizzy sour stuff, gone off chocolate tho,

i have to say i wish i was craving salad, my thighs and arse, my god i look like a b eached whale, ive got tree trunks for thighs and the arse of a 60 stoner its terrible
Actually I haven't put a bump piccie up yet.....haven't taken any.

I'll speak to OH tonight and get him to take one with the digital camera.

How do I get it on the site??
You upload it into my pictures, then host it in photobucket then copy the img code into your post xxx

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