I actually have started collecting tacky fridge magnets, the worst, tackiest ones you can buy to proudly display on my fridge for everyone to see.
I guess I could actually add nail polishes as a collection, at last count I had 97, and thats not including the ones that have gone gloopy.
Put them in the fridgeKeeps nail polish from going "funny"
I actually have started collecting tacky fridge magnets, the worst, tackiest ones you can buy to proudly display on my fridge for everyone to see.
I could send you some!The glow-in-the-dark touristy one from Singapore is mega!
does notches on ones bedpost count?i seem to be collecting deoderant at the moment! when one runs out, i've been buying two, just so i always hav a spare incase i dont get to the shops...but i always forget about the second one, so i've got a million now!!