Do you have a collection?

I actually have started collecting tacky fridge magnets, the worst, tackiest ones you can buy to proudly display on my fridge for everyone to see.
I actually have started collecting tacky fridge magnets, the worst, tackiest ones you can buy to proudly display on my fridge for everyone to see.

I could send you some! :rofl: The glow-in-the-dark touristy one from Singapore is mega!
I actually have started collecting tacky fridge magnets, the worst, tackiest ones you can buy to proudly display on my fridge for everyone to see.

I could send you some! :rofl: The glow-in-the-dark touristy one from Singapore is mega!

I would love that! I used to live in Singapore, so it would be a valid one to have :lol:

My gretna green one is 'nice' :lol:
I have a collection of vintage My Little Ponies. I think there's about 100 now lol. I love them...I could say that they are for my daughters but truth be told there's not many they are allowed to play with lol.

I also love cookery/baking books, I can't help but buy them. I would love a collection of cake stands but the ones I find are usually expensive, I hadn't thought of trying charity shops!
does notches on ones bedpost count? :lol: i seem to be collecting deoderant at the moment! when one runs out, i've been buying two, just so i always hav a spare incase i dont get to the shops...but i always forget about the second one, so i've got a million now!!

I'm sorry but :rofl: at all of that
Hey Nancy I have bought some gorgeous cake stands from charity shops as it seems when older folk pass away their family off loads their stuff to charity shops as 'old fashioned' but I have bought some lovely stands...very cheap too and they look tremendous when having the 'ladies wot lunch' around for arrrrrfternoon tea lol ha ha xxxx
I'm definitely going to try the ones around here, thanks for the tip Wilmaflinstone! I love baking but I've never got anything pretty to put my cakes on.
hi i collect fridge magnets candles ornaments owls all sorts etc lol

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