do you feel like your life's on hold till you're ttc?


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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I probably sound so ungratefull, Ive just had a baby but there is this huge urge inside me to have another, and I can't control it! Im not going to be ttc till feb 2012 after Ive finished some of my studies. I've been testing this week because I thought I actually might have conceived by accident through not taking the mini pill properly. Its bfn and I was so gutted! it just me or do you feel like you want to get everything out the way and just focus on getting pregnant..some people say your life is on hold when you have kids but atm it feels the other way round.

its funny cus when i had my first 6 years ago I swore id never have no more..she was a spoilt only child and i love her soooo much, my baby april was a happy accident but since she's been born i have this burning desire to fill my house full with children, feel my belly moving again and look forward to planning a new arrival.....anyway sorry for the long be interested in hearing how everyone else is feeling?...

sarah xx
I don't feel my life is on hold but i'd definitely like to be preg again. We are going to start ttc in jan 2012.
aw thats lovely. I think a lot of it come from me looking at my children, loving them so much and thinking if i can nurture them and keep them safe then why not nurture more. Maybe its all these breastfeeding hormones. Well if we both conceive not long after trying then our babs would be around the terrible two stage when there is a newborn. I think thats a good age tho. x
Yep, at the mo that is the plan but there is a chance this month as we bd around the time of ov accidentally (have my fingers secretly crossed!).
I thought I was pregnant last week, I'd convinced myself. BFN :( was a bit sad.

But I'm looking forward to April 2012 when we are ttc again yay!!!
oh fingers crossed for you that you get :bfp: Have you had any symptoms annie? if its meant to be then it will..i had some comments when buying the hpt's from check out lady saying I was brave for having children so close together..cheeky mare...

esoames I was exactly the same, I had an evap along with symptoms and in front of hubby I was like 'oh no, its too soon etc, ive been so careful with my pill':fib:

but inside i was like 'yes!':dance: then bfn! gutted. i was so convinced, all the smyptoms were there-nausea, backache,cramping,moody,dizzy spells. ive now realised ive just been unwell.

i dont feel like everything is on hold but really want the time to go slightly faster for the wedding so we can ttc asap after or even after having my implant out on the 20th of next month if i cant wait no longer :)

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