Do you believe in jeeeeeeeeeeebas


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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yes and no.... just to be akward!!

Yes as I was brought up in the Church of Scotland; but no as if there was such a great guy as God, why did he let my Mum (who was very religous) suffer so much
I've put No- I don't believe in God, or that ther's life after death. To me, we are just a wonder of science and like plants we live on through our offspring.

I was bought up CofE- my mum made me go to Sunday School until I was about 13 when I was allowed to decide what I wanted to do so I have a good knowledge of Christianity and I have a GCSE in Jewish Studies (because I was going into law and a lot of the big London solicitors are Jewish :oops: )

I find all religions interesting but don't believe in anything in particular
I'm a religious person... When I stopped being Catholic... someone said to me that you need religion in your life and that there are no aesthists on the battle field... She was right.

Sometimes you need religion to help you through times when the world and hope seems to have abandoned you... You need some hope to cling to that the world isn't as dark and empty as it appears to be... and thats where the magick and mystery of religion comes into its own.

All religions are the same, no matter how the fanatics want to perceive it... All religion serves the same purpose and has the same fundamental belief... a belief in something greater than ourselves. How that belief is justified is what makes the differences.... Until people can see beyond that, there will always be wars and problems concerning religion.

All religion has a basic construct that is good... but sadly all humans have the inherent ability to be evil and negligent to the pain of those things around them, and it is that which causes the problems, which in turn get blamed on religion. Humans are pretty useless tbh.
I voted yes because I have no doubt he existed, it's pretty well documented.

What I don't believe is that he was born of a virgin, walked on water, fed 5000 people with one fish and a piece of bread, or rose again after death.

No doubt he was a clever guy though who had some important stuff to say......

I don't follow any religion, but I would say I'm a spiritual person and I'll always try to keep my mind open on certain issues.

I'm a confirmed Darwinist though. You'll never make me believe all that Adam and Eve stuff.......

I dont go to church but i do believe there is some sort of god out there, but i also believe the devil exitsts too. so yeah i guess :)
i dont believe in jesus as such, but i do believe in fate and spirits/afterlife etc.

i dont believe in the bible either, apparently God helped people walk across water and allsorts! he "helped" loads of people, but where is he now :think: :think:

i also think the bible was made up by a very old man and it got passed down and down and down :lol:

ETA: i also believe that there is something or someone out there hwo looks out for everyone, whether thats a guardian angel or what
Something inside me always makes me answer religious but TBH some of the things i've done in my youth I really shouldn't believe cos otherwise i'm destined to go to hell :lol: :twisted:

Seriously though, I was brought up CofE, it's only recently since my Mam died I have started questioning my beliefs. I definately think there is something after we die but not sure what. I believe 100% Jesus existed but not sure about the bible as a whole.

You should of put an option for confused lol. I don't know at the moment. My faith is being tested.
I agree with Sammystar, i believe that jesus or someone like him-- or perhaps a few different people blended into one existed...But I do not in anyway believe that he was a divine being or the "Son of God"

What Jesus more than likely was was a Jewish revolutionary fighting against Roman oppression. Basically he was the first communist :wink: A little like King Arthur or Robin Hood- heroes of the people, loosely based on an actual character, the stories told to give people hope in times of invasion etc... only in Jesus' case it was blown way out of context :lol:

I do actually think theer are a few really good morals in the Bible "let he without sin cast the first stone" etc etc however I think taking it literally is idiotic and fundamentally screwed, as one cannot help but pick and choose which bits to follow. Therefore taking it to extremes cannot be morally correct, as why take a hard line on homosexuals when you cut your hair and don't sell your daughter in marriage?

Anyway: another factor, for me, is that the New Testament was written at least 60 years after the main protaganist, Jesus, was executed. To me, you can't get every detail correct after 60 years :wink:
i haven't voted cos i need a 'don't know' option...

i was christened catholic. we will probably have connor christened. OH and i got married in a church. but we don't go to church regularly, if at all.

i've read quite a bit of richard dawkins' stuff and find that i agree with a lot that he says ( i think people use the name of god all too readily to cause conflict and war and i have a problem with organised religion in that sense.

but there's a part of me (the part that feels spiritual when in a beautiful church or cathedral) that clings to the hope that there is a sort of heaven. i'm still not sure whether a god presides over it though.

when my mum was dying, she asked for us to let her go... she said that she wanted to be with her mum & her sister. i want to believe that she found them in some sort of afterlife and is happy there looking down on me. but a practical part of my brain won't let me believe this outright although i rather wish i could...
Yes, I believe in Jesus and am a christian.

Squiglets post pretty much sumerised my view (just a hell of a lot more articulately then i would have)

I beleive in something, all religions relate to the same god, and i hate the small minority of people using religion as a weapon to hurt others if gives it all such a bad name.

I get quite annoyed cos im not obviously religious, if anyone asks i'll tell them, but i dont talk about god or particulary care if someone doesnt beleive cos thats your view, but people seem to think it's fine to be quite horrible about religion and it's views and stereotype those who beleive. i guess its my own fault for doing philosophy at uni but they're constantly poking fun at religion or dismissing it with no thought and everyone seems to find it funny to do. I also went to a CofE school even though i'm catholic, and even there you get stupid comments :roll:. In RE it was always made out that all catholics are extreme and try and inforce no sex before marriage and gays are evil and all those other very old ideas people always call on when in reality that is not what its about.

Religion and church, for me, creates a community, they help raise money for good causes and it allows you support from people who generally have similar beleifs to you. No-one comments on my huge bump and lack of husband, they only care that me and Tally are doing well, to me thats what religion should be about, not the "cult" idea or enforcing you're beleifs on others.
Not at all - I don't believe in God/devil or heaven and hell. I don't have a problem with people believing it as long as they don't try and force it down my throat, which hardly ever happens. :)
ive chosen not to vote as im really not sure :( i have to believe in something as the only thing that gets me through each day is knowing my child is waiting for me somewhere but where that is exactly im not sure :? so as to if i believe or not well its a yes and a no xxxxxxx
Squiglet said:
... someone said to me that you need religion in your life and that there are no aesthists on the battle field... She was right.

She wasn't! :wink: I hate this general trivialisation of atheism (There's no atheists in foxholes) It's such a misjudgement (and insulting to atheists!) To suggest that atheists will suddenly drop their whole belief system and cry out to 'god' when faced with death or great suffering is ridiculous!

midna said:
You a religious type person if so what religion ...just out of interest :D

Total non believer myself but always find it interesting what others believe in... :D

I am an atheist and have been for about 10 years. I used to be very religious. I attended church, Sunday school, camp etc and have studied the bible thoroughly. To go from that to an atheist was a long time coming!! I have many, many, many reasons why I do not believe in god. To me the idea of an almighty, infallible 'god' as written by man (be it any religion) is an idea that beggars belief.
I have many opinions on the future of religion, reasons for religion, contradictions etc etc.................but I will spare you all! :rotfl:
I have no problem with anyone being religious and I respect others peoples beliefs.

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