Do they expect me to know all this???


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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This is a rant at my MW, or should i say the midwife's.
Right at my surgery there isn't a full time midwife so they just get in a different one every week, depending on which one is in the area.
This gets me angry as none of them never know your name, what you want or even what you are seeing them for, its all guess work.

Anyway i had my 12 week scan at just over 15 weeks and i asked her when i should make my next appointment for, She then told me that the hospital would tell me.
Anyway the hospital told me that i should speak to my midwife, so for the last week i have tried to speak to a MW only to be told that there isn't one in and to keep trying everyday until i catch one and could MAYBE get a call back????
What am i ment to do wait until i go into labour on the kitchen floor then hopefully i might get in touch with a MW.
My friend is 39 weeks pregnant and because she has had a different MW everytime, she has no birth plan and no idea at all what to expect, i guess i just have to be thankful that i have been through it before as i would be even more angry.

Ok so rant over.........
I have a list of times I should see the midwife in my area. I could give you the weeks as a rough guideline if you like? Sorry you don't have a fixed midwife hun :(
Thats really terrible hun. :hug: well i assume u already know the important scan dates ur next one should be around 20 weeks.
u should complain to the admin about their service this really shouldnt happen . u shouldnt pay them attention next time just go and show up even without appointment and give them hard time. :rotfl:
Yeah i would be grateful if you could just give me an estimated time when i should next visit her, i'll just have to make an appointment ( if i can get one ) and turn up.... even if she wants me there or
Seen as it's your second they will see you less anyway unless you're high risk. I've got to be seen at 14-15 weeks then not until 26-28 weeks then 31 weeks, 34 weeks, 36 weeks, 38 weeks, 40 weeks and then 41 weeks if overdue.

It's the same for a first baby except they see you at 25 weeks as well.

Have you had an appointment since your booking in appointment? You should have one at about 15 weeks then it's a big gap.
awww hun they dont sound very organised by you!!!
That's ridiculous! I'm shocked at this.

I have a specific midwife who I see each time, apart from once when she was ill. Then there's a list of 4 other local midwives and there phone numbers. The midwife who came to tell me my screening test results on sunday wasn't my usual midwife but she was one of them on the list. Yesterday when I rang my midwife to come see me she answered first time and came within a couple of hours.

I'd be really upset if I were you, not sure if there is anything you could about it though.
Well at 15 weeks i was seen at the hospital and the midwife told me to ask for my downs bloods took so i didn't have to go down and have her to do them :shock:

So now im left unsure when to see her again as i don't want to wait until my next scan without even seeing her, because i want to know my blood results.

No theres no other way to do it, and the chances of a MW coming out to see me are NIL, they dont do home visits until you are ready to pop.
I'll have to keep trying to catch her to get an appointment, seem as i want to see her before my next scan.
I would phone and demand an appointment, that is bloody awful treatment! You need to know your blood results and have your wee tested and listen to your baby before your next scan! I'd give em a huge nudge!
That's really wrong.

I saw my midwife at 6 week's, 7 week's, 12 week's (she was ill but saw another midwife), 16 week's, yesterday when she came to see me, and my next appt is at 22 week's.

It's funny how we both live in south yorkshire but the midwife situation is so different.
I know, the thing is our surgery doctors are amazing, yet why have such a bad midwife arrangement.
I think i might even complain to someone about not having a permanent midwife available, i know i would feel better just seeing the one or two midwifes instead of several.
I think pregnancy is such a personal time and you really need to see the same person most of the time. I'm moving to a different area in a few weeks and I'm reluctant to change my doctor's because I know my midwife will change and I love my current midwife! I'm thinking I'll just make the bus trips and keep my midwife!
i saw my widwife for a booking visit at 10 weeks, i made the appointment at 5 weeks but was told she had strict orders she didnt want to see anyone until week 10!, I refused the 16 week appointment for bloods to be taken for downs screening, so my next MW appointment is at 25 weeks. so 15 weeks in between mine :shock:
Yeah i think you are really lucky to have a MW who you like so much, i think i would be willing to make a little longer journey if i had one who i liked ( or even knew the name
:wave: Hi, Sorry just jumped from 1st Tri!
Down here I've been given a choice, i can either see a midwife at the doctors surgery but seems abit like yours as to who i might see, or i can go to the maternity unit and see them there as they are there 7 days a week 24 hours a day getting appointments are much easier!
Maybe if you give your maternity unit a call they might do the same thing? Might be worth a try.
Good Luck with it all - if i were in your shoes i'd be doing my nut!
I think if you want the blood tests for Down's & Spina Bifida you need to go around 16 weeks for that - so i'm :shock: no-one has advised you of that.
In my area its:
12 wks - scan and booking appt
16 wks - MW & bloods for Down's etc
20 wks - anomaly scan
22, 28, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 wks - MW appt

I'm lucky it says all this in my notes, but I only got given them at my 16 wk appt!!
I had my bloods done at the hospital, i just want to know when id get them back as my MW told me to book an appointment after i had my scan and now theres no way of getting in touch with her.
Jollypops said:
Down here I've been given a choice, i can either see a midwife at the doctors surgery but seems abit like yours as to who i might see, or i can go to the maternity unit and see them there as they are there 7 days a week 24 hours a day getting appointments are much easier!
Maybe if you give your maternity unit a call they might do the same thing? Might be worth a try.
I would second this too, try ask the midwives at your hospital a ring and even ask for some advice, they should hopefully be able to access your test results too.
Blood test results take 2 to 3 working days.
(In my mums department anyway!)
OMG! I so sympathise with you!!

My MW is a complete horror! I only have one and she forgets me :roll:

I called her (because I was too big blah blah) anyway, she got me in for an emergency scan... and... turned out it was meant for some poor women who'd had 3 previous miscarriages and was bleeding and cramping!

(remember: This happened yesterday, Tuesday)

Anyway, she called me tonight to apologise for the mix up after having received stern words from the head MW, and she said "Hi Sally, wanted to apologise for the mix up on Monday..."

Apology NOT accepted! She got the day of the flamin' mix up wrong an' all!!

Bloody hell... :doh:

(Still feeling awful that some poor woman didn't get her much needed scan.. :( )

Hope you get it sorted babe... I have no faith in mine, sounds like you don't in yours either :hug: xxx

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