I've been trying ot ring all day. The line closes at 4pm so got to give up now. It has literally been engaged every time I rung and between twenty to and 4pm I was prob redialing every minute. Call back service doesnt work on their number either.
I've got my midwife's mobile number but not sure if I should use it. I only want to chase up getting my notes back cos i have a scan on friday and dont want to be turned away if I show up without them!! Also havent actually had a letter re; my scan appointment. Just the telephone booking. That normal?!
eurgh Im convinced they're busy in the office and took the phone off the hook for peace and quiet, so tempting to ring the other line but its only for if you think you've gone into labour after 17 weeks. Everything before then is supposed to go through the GP.
I just wanna know!! Im prob not coping well with this emotionally!
I've got my midwife's mobile number but not sure if I should use it. I only want to chase up getting my notes back cos i have a scan on friday and dont want to be turned away if I show up without them!! Also havent actually had a letter re; my scan appointment. Just the telephone booking. That normal?!
eurgh Im convinced they're busy in the office and took the phone off the hook for peace and quiet, so tempting to ring the other line but its only for if you think you've gone into labour after 17 weeks. Everything before then is supposed to go through the GP.
I just wanna know!! Im prob not coping well with this emotionally!