Do midwives deliberatly leave the phone off the hook?!??!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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:mad: I've been trying ot ring all day. The line closes at 4pm so got to give up now. It has literally been engaged every time I rung and between twenty to and 4pm I was prob redialing every minute. Call back service doesnt work on their number either.

I've got my midwife's mobile number but not sure if I should use it. I only want to chase up getting my notes back cos i have a scan on friday and dont want to be turned away if I show up without them!! Also havent actually had a letter re; my scan appointment. Just the telephone booking. That normal?!

eurgh Im convinced they're busy in the office and took the phone off the hook for peace and quiet, so tempting to ring the other line but its only for if you think you've gone into labour after 17 weeks. Everything before then is supposed to go through the GP. :wall2:

I just wanna know!! Im prob not coping well with this emotionally!

Just rang her mobile and its off. *sulk*
bleugh just tried to catch em out and ring the landline number. It rang which Im not used to hearing then a message picked up. "This is not an answermachine, do NOT leave a message. The office is now closed" How RUDE. Im in a RAGE!
Hope I don't have the same problems when I get my midwife's numbers. Only thing to do is try them in the morning. I hate the way you ring up a surgery and get left on hold for 15 minutes before you even get to speak to a receptionist. I know that its a pain in the rear end, just got to hope they haven't got the phones off the hook tomorrow.
That's bad. They must be super mad busy to not be able to answer at all xx
Oh Tiny I would be well pissed off. Is your MW based at your local surgery? If so then you may have an administration office/desk who you could call to get the message to your MW, if you say how important it is then they should try and help. Otherwise could you get to the surgery to see her in person? Not much help sorry :hug:
its STILL engaged this morning. I just left a voicemail on my midwife's mobile. This is getting really annoying.
Ahh she just rang me back and told me my notes will be at reception for me when I arrive on Friday :) phew, I can relax about it now!
My midwifes wont answer there phone either, the only way i got through was to ring the maternity at the hospital she contacted the midwies and they phoned me straight back :) x
ridiculous! I cant believe it really. Their phone should have an answer machine when its engaged, nothing worse than feeling anxious and hearing that engaged tone constantly.
Yea iv stressed myself right out about tryin to rearrange an appointment only to be told i didnt have an appointment in the 1st place. Im really stressing about things with this baby i was nothing like this when i had my 1st.x
I must be lucky, my midwife gave me her mobile number and said to always try that first as she's often out and about anyway. She said if she's unavailable then it will be switched off - she "doesn't do messages" so at least you know where you stand. She then gave me the mobile numbers for all the other midwives in my area and said if I can't get hold of her, just work my way down the list until someone answers!
thats really good! I wasnt sure whether I was supposed to ring her mobile for something administrative like that, thought it should be kept free for women who are unwell or having problems. Glad I rang her now. My Mum said, if she gave you the number just ring it!!

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